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Registration ID


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Does anyone know where the registration info is kept in the computer? I have had no luck in getting a response from Wnsoft when requesting my info. The following was sent to them today after 3 previous attempts with no answer.

I have used your program to produce a slide show for a charity event for the last 4-5 years. I was able to finish this year's program this morning, but I had to use the computer that I am in the process of replacing. I DID register (otherwise I wouldn't have been able to produce the shows in the past) but can't find my registration ID so that I can use the program on my new computer. Please send me my registration ID (or tell me where I can find it in my computer) so that I can continue using the program. I have Ver. 4.14 and would also like to update, but don't dare do so without the ID. I have emailed twice previously about this with no response. Your program is perfect for my once a year use and I don't want to purchase another program (and obviously don't want to pay for another registration).

Please respond.

Richard King

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for starters

also you should get ver 4.48

and do you have any of the original communication when you got your key

if you do you should include it with your request


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