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"I think you will like this one"

I think you're right, Lin.

Very nice. Was expecting to hear the airplanes engines. No sound?




"I think you will like this one"

I think you're right, Lin.

Very nice. Was expecting to hear the airplanes engines. No sound?



LOL - I've got to find some aircraft sounds and add them - Just messing around experimenting...




Hey Ken,

Looks good - I'm going to have a good look tomorrow. My broadband died tonight and I've spent the last three hours trying to get it back. I finally gave up and signed up with Earthlink on a dial-up so I could have an alternative but won't be able to transfer any data because I'm only connecting at about 26.6 - LOL. Tomorrow I've got to shop for a new broadband provider. I've been having nothing but problems with my current one for the last year and this is the last straw .........

Best regards,




Love the slideshow demo!

Also, very much appreciated your instructions for making slides with transparent backgrounds - just what I needed to know.

Thank You. :D


I saw the instruction on making transparent backgrounds for text but I can't find the instructions on making the background of images transparent...like the balloons and the airplanes. Can you point me to the right spot? I looked around but I could not find anything. Pretty neat stuff. Thanks... Gary


I saw the instruction on making transparent backgrounds for text but I can't find the instructions on making the background of images transparent...like the balloons and the airplanes. Can you point me to the right spot? I looked around but I could not find anything. Pretty neat stuff. Thanks... Gary

I'll tell you two ways I do it with PhotoShop. There "may" be easier or better ways, but this works for me.

Method 1: (I prefer this way myself)

Open the file you want to make a portion of transparent and use PhotoShop's "Image" "Image Size" to check the actual file dimensions. For this example assume you have a file size of 1600 x 1200 (2 megapixel).

Click on "File" then "New" set the size in pixels to match your image (in this case that would be 1600x1200) and set the background to "transparent" The image you see on your screen should be a "checkerboard" of small diagonal appearing grey and off white rectangles. If you see a solid color then go back and be certain you have the background set to "transparent"

Next click on "Select" then on "All" and you will see the "marching ants" selection around the entire image. Next click on "Edit" then on "Copy"

This puts your transparent background on the clipboard ready to use in the following step. Now close this file because we are through with it.

Next click on "Edit" and then "Paste". Your original file will be now on a layer below the transparency.

Finally, select the "History Brush" and set the opacity to 100% and begin to paint and reveal your underlying image. Go beyond the borders a bit on the areas you want to be opaque then when you have revealed all the important detail use the clone tool to clone the "checkerboard" up close to your boundaries. Remember you are actually "painting" the transparency when you clone the checkerboard areas.

Save as a PNG file.

Method 2:

Use one of the select tools to cut out the subject or use a 3rd party masking tool. Copy the selection by using "Edit" "Copy" then use "Paste" to place it over the transparency rectangle you create with PhotoShop in the manner described above. Clone the transparency up against any edges which are not quite right and when you are finished crop away any unnecessary excessive file size (any areas you can get rid of which are only the checkerboard then save the file as a PNG. The problem with this way is that it's rare to get a really great selection unless you go wide and "rough" - in other words make a rough cutout with the selection tool and the clone the transparency up close. There is little difference - both methods require some manual labor to get it right but my personal preference is the former.

Best regards,



Lin... Thanks very much. I'll be giving it a try.



I'll tell you two ways I do it with PhotoShop. There "may" be easier or better ways, but this works for me.



Wow Ken! That's quite a collection! I had a new broadband system installed today and am back on line. I added sound effects to the little show and some background music & additional text effects.

Best regards,



That's one big rat, beaver, prairie dog? I half expected it to reach out and take a swipe at one of those planes - as in King Kong :-)

Even more things this new Beta can do!

Thanks for giving us even more ideas to play with:-)

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