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Registration Key Problem


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I am re-organising our photo club computer which has an official registered version of PTE installed. It was installed quite some time ago and I cannot find a copy of the original key.

The computer was originally set up with a large number of user accounts which are no longer required. I have removed all of these with the exception of the original administrator account of course and have created a single "visitor" account. Temporarily I have given this account administrator privileges.

I have upgraded the PTE program to version 4.48. However this can only be run correctly from the original administrator account. If logged in under the new "visitor" account, I am requested for the registration key. I repeat, this visitor account has administrator privilege.

Is it possible to make the registration key available to other user accounts?


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I have managed to solve this problem myself by taking a copy of the registration key from the registry and re-entering it again when logged in as another user on the same computer then registering the key again.


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