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Question about "Save a copy of .pte project file in a .bak file"

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In V11 we introduced an option "Save a copy of .pte project file in a .bak file" (Preferences > Project tab). It's disabled by default.

I see that sometimes users face the problem of losing their projects due to computer crash.

What do you think if we enable this option by default for all users in a future version? This will help to restore damaged project by renaming the .bak file to a .pte project.

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7 hours ago, Aleina Show said:

I think this is a necessary feature and should be enabled by default. It will be easier to disable it for those who do not need it.

I agree with Aleina. That said, I've learned the hard way B) to check it every time I start a new project.

Again, thank you to everyone on the forum for their input!


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This backup method is better than having nothing, but I do not regard it as a method providing a high level of safety, as it only preserves the last two versions of a project. If you click the Save button two times today you cannot go back to a version you worked on yesterday. I would like to suggest an alternative backup method that preserves all backup project files, maybe something like: MyProject.pte.bak_0001, MyProject.pte.bak_0002, MyProject.pte.bak_0003 ... :)

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I currently have this turned off as I prefer to save with a different name as I go along making changes, so that I can always go back to an earlier version if needed.

But I can see how it would be useful for beginners and in the event of a system crash. At least you can get back to what you were working on.


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20 minutes ago, jkb said:

I currently have this turned off as I prefer to save with a different name as I go along making changes, so that I can always go back to an earlier version if needed ...

This is exactly what I do. I use a project name including a running number: MyProject_01.pte, MyProject_02.pte, and so on. Therefore I do not need PTE's backup method.

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