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Test for modern video cards, where PTE v5.00 slide-show work smoothly:


Please run this test one time for 1 minute and then press Esc to close.

Let me know, if you'll find any problem with music, or with jerks or another problems.

We're working on optimal parameters of slide-show and it will help us to find better solution.

(This test doesn't have memory leaks. Please don't test this moment.)

  admin1 said:

Test for modern video cards, where PTE v5.00 slide-show work smoothly:


Please run this test one time for 1 minute and then press Esc to close.

Let me know, if you'll find any problem with music, or with jerks or another problems.

We're working on optimal parameters of slide-show and it will help us to find better solution.

(This test doesn't have memory leaks. Please don't test this moment.)

Ran smooths as "silk" with no jerks or pauses and no issues with sound on my ATI Radeon 9800 Pro.



I don't see a real difference between the original test file and the H version for the picture, but in the H version, the sound is very bad. (3 tests for each version)

Pentium IV 2.4 Ghz 512 Mo / Radeon 7500 /64 Mo

  admin1 said:

Test for modern video cards, where PTE v5.00 slide-show work smoothly:



Ran better than first version.

PC GeForce 2GTS: Still a little jerky when second object starts

Laptop GeForce FxGo5200: less jerky than PC, but still a few "shimmers"



The sound is the same to me as on the first version (i.e. not very good - some "beating", or too much reverb, on the bass sounds.) Also, the sound is the same, for both laptop and desktop.

On the desktop, I still get a little glitch halfway on the horizontal banner ("Create slideshow ...").

On the laptop, everything is smooth as silk.

The first time I played it on the pc, and then exited, I noticed that the "Windows Explorer" screen took a long time to redraw. After the next times, everything was back to normal. Could be something working in the background. The laptop was fine.

I closed everything down on my desktop with "EndItAll", and this time there was no glitch on the "Create ..." banner. Also, Win Explorer is fine, too.


Just the odd almost imperceptible jerk on both downloads using Nvidia GeForce 2MX.

Ron [uK]



1.) ATI Mobility Radeon PCI Express 128mb + 384 hyper-memory 1280x1024 LCD Laptop

PTEShow.exe - Excellent..Music Fine

PTEShow_H.exe - Excellent..Music Fine

2.) ATI Mobility Radeon x300 64mb 1680x1050 LCD Laptop

PTEShow.exe - Lot's of jitters..Music Fine

PTEShow_H.exe - Lot's of Jitters..Music fine

3.) ATI Radeon 9250 128mb 4x AGP 1280x960 CRT Desktop

PTEShow.exe - Slight jitter at transition to 2 Photo objects otherwise excellent.

Music stuttered for first 5 seconds of show.

PTEShow_H.exe - Identical to above.

4.) ATI Radeon x1400 256mb hyper-memory PCI Express 1680x1050 LCD Laptop

PTEShow.exe - Jittery at Transitions..Music Fine

PTEShow_H.exe - Jittery at Transitions..Music Fine


Should screen resolution effect performance?




Slight judder on pans.

OK on zooms

Music OK


Will try other m/c later




Both run exactly the same on my PC with a GEForce FX 5700LE. The only problem I noticed a slight judder mid way through the two floating pictures moving acroos the screen

Tony Falla

South Wales



On my old nvidia geforce 440 mx - slightly jerky

On my new nvidia geforce 6600 gt tdh - perfect :-)


PTEShow_H ran smoothly except for a few jitters at the beginning and when the white bordered photos came on the screen. Ran better than orginal PTEShow, which had more and bigger jitters. Music fine on both.

Pentium III 600 MHz with 256MB RAM running MS Windows 98 4.10.1998 DirectX 9.0 with a NVidia GeForce4

Ti 4200 w/64MB video card.




Version H is slightly better than original, although if you look carefully, there are still some very slight hesitations. The music is fine.

2.6 GHz AMD processor, 1Gb RAM, Radeon (200 graphics card with 128MB RAM, AGP x 8 socket.


  nickles said:


3.) ATI Radeon 9250 128mb 4x AGP 1280x960 CRT Desktop

PTEShow.exe - Slight jitter at transition to 2 Photo objects otherwise excellent.

Music stuttered for first 5 seconds of show.

PTEShow_H.exe - Identical to above.


Should screen resolution effect performance?



Replaced the ATI Radeon 9250 with a GEforce 6600 OC 256mb in-- W2k machine 1.5ghz P4 with 640mb ram.

PTEShow.exe, PTEShow_H.exe and Lumenlux's cranky original 109mb "Spirity in the Sky" ran like a charm...both music and images.



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