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Task Manager

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I am having problems with jerkiness with all the demo's posted because something is running in the background causing the 'Task Manager' (right click on bottom tray and selct Task Manager) to show a CPU useage of 13 against the 'System' name.


I think that it might have something to do with virus programs like Microsoft Defender because when I disabled the auto scan option the Task manager returned a CPU useage of zero.


When it was at zero all of the posted demo shows ran perfectly. Trouble is, when I rebooted my computer the dreaded 13 was displayed in the Task Manager again and I was back to Jerks.

Does anybody have the solution please? Just how can I identify the reason for the CPU useage of 13 and how do I get it to stay at zero?


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Well known, unfortunately, problem in 3D games.

If you disable Nero Scout, will "System" process takes 13% of CPU resources?

As I discovered Nero Scout all time scans files on PC and probably it provokes antivirus to check up these files.

I even don't know how we all will watch HDTV films or slide-shows on PC where such behaviour of antivirius will disturb normal show of TV.

We're trying to solve this stupid problem. I posted yesterday specail test slide-show which solves this problem.

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I am having problems with jerkiness with all the demo's posted because something is running in the background causing the 'Task Manager' (right click on bottom tray and selct Task Manager) to show a CPU useage of 13 against the 'System' name.


I too find the demos are all jerky. I thought it was my graphics card but you have changed yours and still have the problem. My Task Manager window shows zero CPU usage against all the running processes, so that is not the problem. I have posted a question before on this topic but not really had a clear reply. Ken Cox has made various suggestions about processes starting up and how to identify and disable them. But I am reluctant to do this without being sure I know what I am doing. I dimly remember there was a Microsoft site where you could get a list of processes and what they are all for, but I cannot find that site again.

I have plenty of disk space, 1 GB memory and a reasonably fast processor. So it is either the graphics card (Radeon 9200) or the effect of running processes.

Not sure what Igor is referring to when he mentions Nero Scout. I do not have this on my machine, only the Nero 6 package.


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Not sure what Igor is referring to when he mentions Nero Scout. I do not have this on my machine, only the Nero 6 package.

Nero Scout is one of the options available in 'Nero 7' so you will not have it included in your version 6.

If you are showing zero against the 'system' in Task Manager, then I doubt you will have a problem when you upgrade your Graphics Card.

I have the NVIDEA Geforce 6600GT (AGP). If you decide to get this card, be careful because there are two different versions - the one I have and also an 'express' version. Make sure you mention the make and model of your motherboard when you purchase, or you may finish up buying the wrong one.

Strange that I seem to be the only one with a CPU count of 13 in my Task Manager - someone must know the reason; I can but hope.


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Nero Scout is one of the options available in 'Nero 7' so you will not have it included in your version 6.

If you are showing zero against the 'system' in Task Manager, then I doubt you will have a problem when you upgrade your Graphics Card.

I have the NVIDEA Geforce 6600GT (AGP). If you decide to get this card, be careful because there are two different versions - the one I have and also an 'express' version. Make sure you mention the make and model of your motherboard when you purchase, or you may finish up buying the wrong one.

Strange that I seem to be the only one with a CPU count of 13 in my Task Manager - someone must know the reason; I can but hope.



I had a problem yesterday trying to "Log On" to the Forum ~ here is my reading of the situation:-

(1) If the CPU (Processor) returns 'Code 13' it means that the "Data is Invalid" ~ usually corrupted.

(2) If it returns 'Code 86' it means ~ "Specified Password" is not correct.

** Corruption, I have no idea where this is arising ~ I suspect a 'Bad Installation' of your new VGA Card.

** The 'Password' it is referring to ~ You probably have a few 'Passwords' you need to examine them.

Here are some facts:-

a) Microsoft Defender does not work like an ordinary Anti-Virus Program, to put it simply, its a 'special' based on numeric indexing of Files and their Checksums and its actually part of Microsofts .NET Framework.

B)Norton and others, physically 'root into' and scan files for script changes and other phenomen and use vast amounts of Memory in doing so.

Benchmark Tests

*) Based on a Standard Memory Pak of 256.Mb, here are some results:-

1) MS Defender will use some 6% of that Ram Memory. If disconnected it uses nothing.

2) Norton 2006 uses a whopping 17% ~ 24% depending on its current Task. It can't be fully disconnected.

3) Adobe Acrobat (if not shut down) can use the same as Norton. When 'shut down' it uses nothing.

4) Smart-Printers (ones that tell you Out-of-Ink) use vast Memory space ~ disconnect, or turn them off.

By the way, the bigger the Memory the more Norton uses it because there is more 'residual data' in it.

Hope this helps.....


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Hi Brian,

I am confused! Perhaps because I don't really understand how to read the Task Manager display. I thought that the number shown in the 'CPU' column referred to the amount of processing power that is being used and not a code number. The figure of 13, that is displayed, is not always present when I boot up my computer - sometimes it is '00' and then everything in PTE5 works just fine. When the CPU returns a number of 13, PTE5 always runs with 'jerkiness'.

My problem is to find out why I get a CPU display of '00' sometimes and '13' at others.

See screenshots in my earlier post.

Incidently, when I use another utility that I have, called 'TaskInfo' it returns a CPU useage of 12.50% and gives a little more information in the right hand pane, as follows:


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I already have the stuff you mentioned! Downloaded and printed it, but I still cannot determine what is causing the CPU useage of 13 to be displayed. I know for sure that it is because I cannot get this 13 to go away that causes my 'jerkiness' with PTE 5.

It is strange that once in a while my computer will boot up and the Task Manager will show 'System' as zero. In this case, as I have already said, PTE will run perfectly.


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what applications are running in the "applications task manager" window when the 13% system is showing

then use taskinfo to properly id the processes -- you may have to widen the columns in the right pane

or drag the slider bottom of left pane over to see if there is any thing out of ordinary

dont forget i had to eat crow yesterday because i thought my background anti virus scan was turned off and it was not

Igor's demo's now smooth

Sorry Lumenex yours still have some rough spots


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