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Hi to all members,

I think this is very useful utility -

it must be because I made it on my birthday !

My old dog died two days ago and my young dog is very sad (like me). I promised him I'll take him today for a long trip to forget his older sister. So I'm taking a free day from my computer and let you test my last utility, dedicated to my beloved dog, which name was Boxig, same as my forum name.

You can download it from my web site (program number 28 ) at:


A "ReadmeFirst" file inside.

Hope to find some comments when I'll come back.




Hi Granot,

Sorry for your troubles indeed it is hard to break a bond with a family pet ( 3 cats no need for Long walkies).I tried to download your utility no, 28 but could only find 18 Also your mp3wav zip was empty more than likely my fault maybe I will try later Regards Clive


Thanks Clive,

I just checked and everthing is OK.

Try to download again. If you get same results, try to "Refresh" or "Reload". If you have been to my site before, you probably see your cache. This is problem many people don't know about, but this happens a lot. Also, some servers are keeping cache (?!) of web sites and people many times see old pages of web sites they visit. This is why is good to empty the cache once a week and make "Reload" if you want to be sure.



  boxig said:

Try to download again. If you get same results, try to "Refresh" or "Reload". If you have been to my site before, you probably see your cache. This is problem many people don't know about, but this happens a lot. Also, some servers are keeping cache (?!) of web sites and people many times see old pages of web sites they visit. This is why is good to empty the cache once a week and make "Reload" if you want to be sure.




Here is a tag you can use if people are having trouble viewing your site

and dealing with cache

<meta http-equiv="Cache-Control" content="no-cache">

Put in between your head tags on your site!!

Hope this helps!



Thanks Bart

Yes, I know this tag but I didn't use it to prevent people waiting long time for page to download everytime they visit my site. It is good for text page. Since I think most people clean their cache once in a while, I'll leave it without. This is useful tag but all members who have over 30-40 kb pages have to know their is a loss beside the gain.


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