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Cèlou kindly shares with us the source project of his demo: it's here.

Note: on some computers it seems the sequence with the 4 images moving to corners can be slightly jerky (little flickering). We thought first it was linked to the "Edge Antialiasing" option (enabled), but even deactivating this option, there's still a little bit of flickering during this animation (using small images and slow movment).

Any idea on this point ?


Excuse me but the ideal to open the file “essai 3” is initially to open PTE V5.0 and then to open the file by the menu :rolleyes::rolleyes:


Is somebody also experiences flickering on the sequence with 4 images moving from center to corners with this demo ?

Do you think this is due to a problem or limitation of the graphic engine in beta #2?

Or may be to this kind of animation (4 pictures moving to 4 opposite direction) ?.

Any idea ? Igor do you have an explanation for this problem ?



Very interesting effects - nicely done!. :)


I noticed only a slight change in pace on the initial multiple zooms, and a very slight "flickering" on the 4-image scene (most noticeable in the top-right quadrant (perhaps because there was more contrast there with the branches against the sky).


Hi Al,

Thanks for your test and answer.

About this slight "flickering" effect, I have tried on my side by replacing with other darker images (and with less contrast on edges), but I still notice this is not 100% smooth (P4 3.2 Ghz,1 GB ram, AT Radeon X800GT).

I now think it is linked to the animation itself, which is too demanding for the GPU (moving in 4 opposite direction). I don't know. Perhaps Igor can explain this phenomenon...



Hey Cèlou,

Very, Very, cool demo. Some really neat concepts. Your music choice was perfect for the bouncing letters.

Thanks for sharing and also including you source files. I'll definitely remember this one!

Ran perfect on my geforce 6600 256mb W2k.




Is somebody also experiences flickering on the sequence with 4 images moving from center to corners with this demo ? Do you think this is due to a problem or limitation of the graphic engine in beta #2? Or may be to this kind of animation (4 pictures moving to 4 opposite direction) ?. Any idea ? Igor do you have an explanation for this problem ?

This flickering is moire effect. In this case I found several reasons:

- Unsharp mask or Bicubic Sharper method (almost always causes moire, don't use these functions for Pan/Zoom/Rotate).

- Tree with high details (frequent reason of the moire)

- And using "Original size" for the objects together with Panning.

Possible solutions:

1) Apply slight Gaussian blur.

2) Or use more large images (1024x768 instead of 512x384) (with our "Blur" option). In this case you will have sharp picture without moire problem.


Thanks Igor for your explanations and advices.

I have tried your solution #1 (Gaussian blur 0.3 with Photoshop) and the final result in rendering is far better.

It seems we must take big care about this moire effect, and learn how to control the blur for our pan effects... (not easy).



  Marcovelo said:

Hi thedom,

I think you are trying to open the project with an old version of PTE.

Please try again using PTE 5.0 beta #2

I'm so stupid ! :unsure:

I tried to open the project with v4.48... :D

Thanks for your answer and congratrulations for this really great demo !!!

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