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First look at v5 beta2


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First of I would like to say Hi to everyone in the PTE forum. I have just joined as a new member but I have been using PTE for quite a while.

Secondly, I have just taken a look at PTE 5 Beta2 and have a couple of observations which may seem trivial to some or have been overlooked by others...who, from reading the forum messages, seem to be concentrating on the new pan and zoom effects featured in this version.

My (simple) questions are:

a) Why is the list of transition effects listed under Project Options different from those listed when you open up an image from the Timeline. (Particularly noticeable if you look at the Advanced Hour Hand options)?

B) I've tried looking at the Zoom and Pan transitions and whilst I did manage to create a zooming rotation type of effect, this was more by luck than actually understanding what I was doing! Also I don't seem to be able to enter anything in the option boxes down the right hand side of the O/A screen. Will the final version be released with some instructions or Help screens for these new features? (An Idiots Guide would suit me!)

c) Looking at existing PTE functionality, if I select any type of transition other than Fade (e.g. Page left-right) then it seems to default to a 'Circle from centre' transition. Is this a known bug with V5B2?


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Welcome to the forum. Immediately above your thread you will see "Pinned: PicturesToExe v5.00 beta #2

Announcement". Read this and you will see the present limitations of the Beta which members of the Forum are testing. The full version is coming later.

As regards instructions you will see that I posed the question in a thread on 1 May and received a considerable amount of help.

Good luck

Ron [uK]

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