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My monitor is profiled with MonacoEZcolor and the profile is loaded with MonacoGamma. Projects previewed from within PTE 5 Beta 2 (I didn't test Beta 1) and shows created with PTE 5 Beta 2 cause the monitor profile to unload and colors to be displayed incorrectly.

This problem did not occur with previous versions of PTE. I this is not corrected then I will have to stick with PTE 4.48 or move on to a different slide show program.

I am running:

Windows 2000

ASUS P4S533 motherboard

1.5 GB RAM

ATI All In Wonder Radeon 8500DV video card

  admin1 said:

Please try my example: http://www.wnsoft.com/apr/show/PteShow.zip

Will it unload color profile?

If yes, I think the most likely problem in MonacoGamma program. And any DirectX application or game will cause same problem.

I'll try to find and install this MonacoGamma, probably I can do something with this problem.

Your program does affect the profile. Other DirectX applications I have do not cause the same problem.

I have done some more testing. The profile does not seen to be permantly unloaded from the system and I can restore it without reloading it through MonacoGamma. I can restore the colors by running the "Funkitron" Poker Superstars Invitational Tournament game, which I believe also used DirectX. The game by itself does not affect a correct monitor display.

I can also affect the behaviour through the ATI Catalyst Control Center. If the "3D Refresh Rate Override" is set to "Disabled" then the profile is affected after a PTE 5 program is run the first time. If the "3D Refresh Rate Override" is set to "Same as desktop" or my LCD monitor refresh rate of "60 Hz" then the first time a PTE 5 program is run and exited the colors are correct, and consistently after the second time a PTE 5 program is run and exited the colors are incorrect.

If the colors have been made incorrect by a PTE 5 program I can restore then by changing the "3D Refresh Rate Override" from "Same as desktop" to "60 Hz" or "60 Hz" to "Same as desktop", whichever is applicable.


I'll try to reproduce this problem. I downloaded Monaco EzColor demo from Monaco System web site.

1) Please try these two additional test examples:

http://www.wnsoft.com/test/GammaTest.exe (380 KB)

and http://www.wnsoft.com/test/GammaTest2.exe (400 KB)

2) Also try to run some another DirectX game. It's necessary to run 3D game which works on fullscreen. (Not 2D game.)

3) Please run dxdiag utility. Start -> Run -> type dxdiag choose third tab ("Display") and click "Test Direct 3D" button. Perform several test which DirectX will suggests. Will color profile unloaded after this test?


Hi Igor,

FWIW, I haven't notice this on any of the three systems I've been testing PTE5b2 on - all are profiled with Monaco Optix and use the Monaco Gamma Loader - 2 are on NVidea, and one on ATI Radeon.

  admin1 said:

We found solution for this problem, but we need to test it a little.

http://www.wnsoft.com/test/Gamma.exe (150 KB)

Please download this test, run it and after several seconds press Esc button. If colors will be OK, it's good.

DirectX doesn't care about of gamma and it's not descibed in documentation...

I appreciate the hard work you do and rapid attention to this problem.

Both GammaTest.exe & Gamma.exe still cause the profile to be unloaded.

I ran GammaTest2.exe numerous times in succession and it would not cause the profile to unload, however it had 2 other things to note.

1. It consistently has patterned "garbage" displayed in the black band below the image. This "garbage" is displayed while the image is fading in and disappears as soon as the image has finished fading in.

2. One time GammaTest2.exe would not quit when I (repeatidly) pressed the ESC key. It would also not let the Task Manager display properly to shut the program down. The first screen with the "Lock Computer", "Log Off", "Shut Down", "Change Password", "Task Manager" and "Cancel" would display properly. If I pressed the "Task Manager" button, the Task Manager window would display very briefly and then the GammaTest2.exe display would come back on. I was able to shut the system down after my second attempt with the "Shut Down" button. This problem also occured with another program created with PTE 5.


Thanks for testing!

Ignore visual problems and with locks up - it was quickly written test.

I think we'll try to use variant used in Gamma2 test for next beta #3.

  admin1 said:

Thanks for testing!

Ignore visual problems and with locks up - it was quickly written test.

I think we'll try to use variant used in Gamma2 test for next beta #3.

I will install beta #3 as soon as I see the download link and run it through its' paces.

  admin1 said:


Please try these two tests with Gamma:

http://www.wnsoft.com/test/Gamma.zip (350 KB)

How these two variants - "Gamma" and "NoGamma" work?

Running NoGamma.cmd multiple times in succession toggles monitor profile usage Off/On the first 6 times it is ran, after that profile usage remains on after running NoGamma.cmd.

Gamma.exe always leaves monitor profile usage off.

So far GammaTest2.exe worked best as far as the monitor profile is concerned.



I finally understood this problem and reproduced on my PC.

It's a mistake in drivers of ATI video cards.

If initialize DirectX for slide-show in same display mode (width/height/refresh rate as current display mode) this problem occurs. I wrote to ATI about this problem.

This problem doesn't happen on NVIDIA video cards.



Although I wrote to ATI about this bug in their drivers, we need to have a solution for current versions of drivers for all ATI video cards.

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