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Moving Audio Clips to Other Tracks

Ken Flick

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Every time I click on an audio clip to move it up or down to another existing track, this action moves the whole track with the clip.  

I have not used PTE AV Studio Pro for some time and I'm 83 years old (so I might be losing it), but it seems to me that I used to be able to click on an audio clip and move it from one track to another without unintentionally moving the whole track.  What am I doing wrong?

Any help that anyone can offer in sorting out this problem will be greatly appreciated.

Many thanks.

Ken Flick

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If you have just one audio clip in each track then moving the Audio Clip from one track to another will result in deleting the source track and leaving two Audio Clips in the other existing track.

If you have two or more Audio Clips in each of two tracks then moving an Audio Clip from one track to another will result in a Move action leaving two tracks intact.


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