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Very sexy! (The model is nice, too! B) )

Like I said, we are in for some wild and exciting times with the new PTE!

All kidding aside, very nicely done, Thedom - I can see PTE being used on TV and all kinds of places in the future. :)

  thedom said:

Just a little demo to show how "filled" rectangles can be used with PTE v5.


Felicitations Thedom

Very, very stylish. The only problem being - that I couldn't concentrate on the technique for admiration of the stunningly beautiful girl, particularly in the openind shot.



An excellent production in every way. Thank you for providing so many ideas. The more one experiments with PTE 5.0 the more uses unfold.

Ron [uK]


Good ideas in this demo. and very few Ko for these effects.



Excellent show. I never would have thought of using the rectangle like that.



Nice technique!

We'll try to realize antialiasing (in v5.10 or earlier).

Benefits of Rectangles that they don't take video memory and render with highest speed on the screen.


hmmm. the only thing I can say is I LIKE IT!

Definitely, a new technique to be used with PTE 5...it's now in my growing list of the many things that people are sharing.

Thanks to you for sharing this excellent idea.




Thank you all for your feed back.

Just for your information, the woman on this picture (Laetitia Casta) is a french actress and top model.

  admin1 said:
We'll try to realize antialiasing (in v5.10 or earlier).

I just say "Great ! Thanks !" once again. :)


Congratulation for this demonstration.

One realizes with the wire of the various tests that PTE new version opens much horizon to us.


Well done.

With PTE5 - Just like all technical advancements in artisitic fields - After the early advantage to technical wizards, the real talent will come to the top. It is a good thing that PTE can serve all levels of talent and interest. Thanks again Igor.

By the way, has anyone seen for heard from Verhoef since PTE 5 Beta?



Superb job, really well done and for those with 'slower PCs and older VGA Boards' ~ Take heart.

** This File is only 1.7mB in Size and really packs some punch !

** It plays perfectly on an older Microsoft 2000.Pro with a non-descript VGA Card !

To many,this would seem to be an absolute 'Enigma' as to how and why this can be achieved given the

size of the File ~ the quality of re-production ~ and the smoothness of rendition even on older VGA's.

It clearly demonstrates that PTE-5 can do the job, given the right conditions and deploying the correct

techniques and will work without going O.T.T with a Max.Spec VGA Card.



Hi Lumenlux,

I am still here; I was waiting for Pte5....many months....thinking of making giant leaps in possibilities with new features........but when I saw the beta result.....I was very, very disappointed. :(:( ...and it is difficult to revert back to the old version (in my mind)......

Now I probably have to wait for the final version...........more months....when that is finished I will read and write again in the forum...........

Michel Verhoef

  verhoef said:
but when I saw the beta result.....I was very, very disappointed. :(:( ...

Hi Verhoef,

Just to satisfy my (/our) curiosity and may be to help Wnsoft to improve their software (those people have prooved that they are definitely listening to their users), could you tell us why you are so disappointed ?



Because some of you asked for it, here is the pte project for this demo.


Sorry, it's a little bit messy but if you need help, just ask. :)

"hmmm. the only thing I can say is I LIKE IT!" (Nickles)
And the only thing I can say is I like HER!
"Just for your information, the woman on this picture (Laetitia Casta) is a french actress and top model". (TheDom)
I know her very well... I wanted to marry her, but I have thought that
  1. I'm already happily married;
  2. I'm perhaps a little too aged for her

It's a pity!

  • 3 weeks later...
  thedom said:

Because some of you asked for it, here is the pte project for this demo.


Sorry, it's a little bit messy but if you need help, just ask. :)

Sorry - need help!

I have tried to run the PTE Project file and get the message:- "Project files created with PTE v1.00 - v 1.60 are not supported now"

Any solution?




Found my mistake.

I tried to run the rectangles project in PTE v4.46.

Runs fine in v5.00 #2


  • 3 months later...


Any chance you can put up your shows on your site or somewhere for download again. All these links are outdated and dead now. Thanks.


Hi greenmoray,

The process is very long (upload files, make a thumbnail, write description, find links, ...) and I upload files little by little.

But there is already 57 files avalaible on my site. B)

I still have demos and PTE project to upload.

I plan to modify the links on Wnsoft forum but not in the next future.

If you want to have more news about my website, go read this article.

Btw, my "masks" and my "rectangles" demos are now avalaible again on my site, and the full PTE projects of those demos as well.

I think everything should be uploaded again in a couple of weeks. :)

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