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I have not kept up to date with the changes in the program for awhile and am now revisiting. Great to read that the long awaited pan & zoom feature is in the works. My question is will I be able to utilize this feature? I have a 600 MHZ Athlon, 380MB Ram, 3dfx voodo3 video card with 8MB memory. I recently installed Roxio Easy Media Creator 7 which has the pan & zoom feature but I can not access the slide show at all. I get a message that my video card does not support direct x 9 and the module will not open. Since I am not interested in upgrading this 6 year old clunker I will have to waite awhile to get into video. It sure would be nice to add the pan & zoom effect to my slide shows though. Do you think it will run on my system? I downloaded one of the recent shows from this forum and my monitor only displayed the top half of one image. Obviously my card could not handle that show. I dont recall who provided it.



i think you need a minimum of the latest direct x

9.0e i believe.

better do a search of forum for video card

also search for demos -- there have been quite few demos posted on forum to try



There is a built in utility (like msconfig) that you can run using the run command. I can't remember what it is called but I ran it several weeks ago and it tests your system's ability to handle direct x. WinXP-2 has direct x 9. My system passed all of the tests even though my video card does not support dx9. Hmmmm.

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