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PTE Shuts Down


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We have been using Pics2Exe successfully for a while now with smaller slideshows. This spring my parents went on a trip to Greece, so we offered to put together a slideshow for them. As experienced PTE users, this should only take a few minutes... In any case, it's been a nightmare. There appears to be a problem somewhere in the middle of the slideshow that causes the .exe version to abort. If running through that section in preview mode, PTE shuts down. This occurs about 11-12 minutes into a 20 minute show.

EDIT: I also tried removing the pictures at which it stalled, and the problem has persisted.

Any thoughts would be appreciated.


Roger and Sandra.



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What version of PTE are you using?

What music type are you using? Try substituting another music number of the same length and running to see if it still aborts and in the same place as before.

How large are your image files?

Are you running directly from a CD?

Is there anything unusual about this show, as compared to others you have done, other than the fact that it aborts?

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A couple of things that I noticed from the screen shot is the long file string to get to the image each time and also the last image in the display has an extension *.pg and not *.jpg. Is it possible from such a long file string and the speed of the processor that after each change the system is lagging further and further behind until finally it breaks. Just a thought.

Ron [uK]

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Roger and Sandra,

Slideshow works fine, the problem happens in main program of PicturesToExe. Apparently main program of old PTE (v4.48 and earlier) can't wait so long when Preview is playing. I already reworked this moment in future v5.00

Probably I'll fix it in v4.49

However there will be no problem now, if you create slideshow as EXE file and run it.

Thank you for your informed me about this problem!

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Thanks for the replys!


PTE version is 4.42. I checked the latest, but didn't see any related notes in the newer releases, and haven't tried updating.

For music, I just grabbed a few traditional Greek songs from some website. They seem to play fine on their own, and I have tried adding/deleting songs as well.

Pic sizes are all reduced in size, around 60k to 150k range throughout. All files are from the hard disk.

Other than length of this show, and number of songs used, I see no difference. Most of Sandra's work is less than 100 pics, with one or two songs.


I'm pretty sure all pics are .jpg. The reduced screenshot looks a bit fuzzy, but that should be clear if you expand it when viewing.


The slideshow (.exe) is definitely not OK. When playing, it simply terminates when it reaches the offending area of the show. I tried also creating DVD's. They play fine, but when the offending area is reached, music skips, images overlap, and the time counter on the front of the DVD player shows skipping forward and back. I must admit being surprised at these issues, since we've been quite happy with our purchase aside from this issue.

On another note, I switched recently to Nero from Arcsoft ShowBiz2. The DVD quality (before the 11 minute mark...) is noticably improved. Images appear clearer and more stable.

Thanks again,


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Roger and Sandra,

In this case, I think that those MP3 music files are damaged if similar problems on that position occurs with EXE and AVI video.

1) Try to play those MP3 files in Windows Media Player. Will the problem occurs on 11 minute?

1) Please temporarily replace music with absolutely other MP3 music files.

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A couple of things that I noticed from the screen shot is the long file string to get to the image each time and also the last image in the display has an extension *.pg and not *.jpg. Is it possible from such a long file string and the speed of the processor that after each change the system is lagging further and further behind until finally it breaks. Just a thought.


It must be time to get new glasses. All the images look like "jpg's" to me. Make sure you maximize the window with the image when it comes up :)

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Confirmed *.jpg :blink:

Ron [uK]

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Problem Solved!!

There was some problem with the music file(s), which I had found and downloaded from some Greek website. They each played fine in Windows Media Player, but no matter what the order, the corruption problem continued. I then downloaded a utility to convert .mp3 files to .wav. The .mp3 format files were removed from the slideshow, and replaced with the .wav files. The slideshow now appears to be OK. I haven't watched the whole show in .exe format yet, but the burned DVD's appear to be just fine.

Thanks again for the help,

Roger and Sandra

Blessed Memories Photography


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