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Should I use 5 Beta #3 or v4.48?


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Hi Everyone!

Amazingly, another year has flashed by and I am once again preparing to photograph the Snipe Nationals. Last year I capped the event with a P2E slideshow and it was a huge hit. It has been used throughout the year at fleet and club meetings, boat shows, and regattas all over the world. So thanks once again to the P2E team and for all the help I received here in the forums!

Checking in to get the latest version, I see the amazing features being introduced with v5. I really like the idea of the pan/zoom and can see great potential for this in my slideshow. Before I go down that path, I just wanted to check/confirm a few things with those of you more experienced with P2E to make sure I don't wind up in trouble.

This is what I did last year:

1. I assembled the audio track as a single mp3 using Audacity

2. Using dummy slides I then set up my custom synchronizations and transitions (Quick, Fade in/out (to another slide or to a black slide), Circle, and Mosaic)

3. During the event I replaced the dummies with photos of the event so that by the end of the week I had the show assembled

4. Ran the show from my laptop using its "monitor out" to an LCD projector.


1. Any suggestions for changing the workflow I used last year? I've already created the new music track. Something that was a PITA last year was when I replaced a dummy I had to rename the actual photo to be the name of the dummy or I lost the customizations. It would be very nice to be able to, in effect, substitute one image for another and carry over the customizations without harm

2. Should I use v5 Beta #3 or stick with v4.48? I've ran all the v5 demos I can find here and they all seem to run no problem on my laptop.

3. It is important that the music be synched reliably and that once I establish the syncs and transitions, they not change as I replace the dummies with the actuals. I se some notes about this in the forum and I think this is a non issue given how I'm doing this but want to make sure of that.

Many thanks!

Fried Elliott


Here is the link to last year's slideshow:


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Hi there!

Version 5 is still only a Beta and as such does not have the full functions of version 4.48.

Also, because it is a betaa and is very new with loads of new features, it has quite a steep learning curve, so you will be better off using the older version (4.48) untill the full version of 5 is released.


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I agree with Ron. I am sure that you will be more at home using 4.48, particularly as you apparently will be assembling your sequence "on the hoof" as they say in the UK.

Ron [uK]

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1. Any suggestions for changing the workflow I used last year? I've already created the new music track. Something that was a PITA last year was when I replaced a dummy I had to rename the actual photo to be the name of the dummy or I lost the customizations. It would be very nice to be able to, in effect, substitute one image for another and carry over the customizations without harm



A lot happens around the Forum in a year! :)

The safest way to change images but retain the customization would be to substitute the old images with the new ones. However, you could do it by renaming them in the folder to be the same as the appropriate ones as last year, then direct the new project file to the new folder. It might be necessary to temporarily assign the old folder with a different name, so you don't lose it, and then change the name of the folder containing the new images (whose names have been changed to match the old ones) to the old name, and move the pte project file into it too. The previous customization would then be applied to the new images automatically.

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