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Rotated Pics


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First off, I just started playing with V5 beta #3, after being away from PTE for way too long. Igor, it's brilliant! My mind is racing with all the ideas I have and how to implement them. Spectacular! :D

I've noticed something that may not even be related to PTE at all. It might be a "system" thing.

I have a Canon digital camera which has the "auto-rotation" feature enabled, so that when I rotate the camera 90 to take a "vertical" pic (portrait vs landscape) the pic shows up in Photoshop as vertical, not layed on its side.

When I grab it off the thumbnail page and drag it or "add" it to the slide list, it looks correct. But when I run the slide show, it's horizontal (landscape).

As an experiment, I opened the original in Photoshop (where it looked portrait) and did a "save as" with no other modification. When I look at them in the PTE thumbnail view, they both look the same. But when I drag them both into the show, the original is landscape and the copy is portrait.

I've taken plenty of portrait (vertical) shots before, and don't remember having this problem. But I can also admit I've probably never taken the original image into a slide show without resizing it, (or sharpening, color balancing, etc.) so that's always been a "save as" copy.

It makes me think that perhaps Photoshop is recognizes the EXIF data that says the image is rotated, but other programs do not.

I almost always work with copies anyway, but that's another step in the workflow to say "save all vertical shots, regardless of any other modifications." Is there a setting in PTE that I'm not recognizing? :huh:

Thanks again for a great product and a wonderful forum with very clever folks. :)


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You are right David, my camera also has this facility to automatically change from portrait to landscape. I always turn it off!

Mixing portrait and landscape shots in a PTE slide show never produces a professional result in my opinion.


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Thanks to you both. If I know it's temporary, I'll be patient.

Ron, my idea was to have a landscape pic, then fade into or somehow superimpose one or more portrait pics, where the long dimension of the portrait is the same as the short dimension of the landscape (or less).

I agree that it's often disconcerting to have "full screen" portraits and full screen landscapes intermixed, although I've seen some where because of the transitions, they pull it off brilliantly.


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