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stuck again LOL!


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OK Im trying to burn a slideshow to a DVD...or CD..whichever...so my client can watch it on there TV with a dvd player....

I have nero, and when I use it, the DVD is all grainy and the pics look like crapola....

are there some specific setting I need to make sure to use when burning to DVD? i havent spent much time on this yet..and I will do a search on here later tonight...

thank you in advance for any help!

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ok so im totally lost now..all this talk about codecs and stuff...OMG...its insane...im not the comptuer geek im a photographer..I just want this damn thing to be viewable on a dvd player on TV...ARGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGg

sorry just venting...off to try to read some more!

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Guest Techman1


Does the DVD quality look like that on a PC or on a TV with a DVD player? Some of the PC DVD Players don't look very good (especially compared to a PTE Executable). What version of Nero are you using? If you can expand a little on how you created it, maybe someone from the forum can give you some added suggestions.

The quality isn't as good as that shown on a PC, but I've found that the quality on DVD is still very good.

Good luck!


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ok so im totally lost now..all this talk about codecs and stuff...OMG...its insane...im not the comptuer geek im a photographer..I just want this damn thing to be viewable on a dvd player on TV...ARGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGg

sorry just venting...off to try to read some more!


There is no quick easy answer to your question. But I will try to give you some ideas.

Firstly create an avi file from your PTE show. Just use the standard default settings for "DVD video disk, but uncheck the box against Ulead Movie Factory if you are not using that program. The file you create is a temporary file and must be imported into either Ulead Movie Factory or Nero Vision Express. Then the resultant file is burned to a DVD from either of these programs.

Both Movie factory and Nero Vision Express have settings which allow you to alter the quality of the resultant video. If you tell me which program you are using, then I will point you to the place to alter the settings.


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If your clients have a computer, then you should send them the .exe (the PTE file) on a CD because the quality of this cannot be beaten.

If they don't have a computer and you want them to watch it on a television screen, then you will be disappointed with the resultant quality of the picture because it just will not be any where near as good as the original .exe

However, having said this, the latest version of Nero does do a reasonable job of making a DVD from the AVI file produced by Picture to Exe. The downside is that there is quite a steep learning curve to overcome.


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thank you so much for all your help...I truly appreciate this...

I have nero 6...and with the is the nero express...I dont think I tried the DVD option I think I tried the vcd and then the svcd options....

a few more questions...does the size of the image matter? I made one smaller for the web usage...then I also made another one using my full 4x6 proof images?

ok im off to try this...DVD-video setting with the NTSC picked cuz im in canada....then burn with nero........

wish me luck!

ok wait... now when I get into NERO express...I have 3 options....create VCD...create svcd...then minidvd?

i could also try NERO buring ROM...but then it comes up with 2 folders...Audio TSm and Video TS...where do I drag and drop this avi?

phew..once again im sorry for all the questions....

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Guest Techman1


You will see marked improvements using DVD over VCD or SVCD (especially VCD). I'm not surprised that the quality wasn't acceptable to you. Depending on the resolution that you downsized your 4x6 images down too will determine if they will look okay. I typically create my files at 1024x768 or higher for PTE slideshows & DVD's. There are numerous threads on this topic and recommendations by Igor & others here. Just do a search if need be.

Let us know how your DVD test goes. I'm sure you will be much more pleased with the end results.

Good luck!


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