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Using 2nd Display


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Is it possible to view PTE previews on a 2nd device such as a multimedia projector.

The projector would be set to dualview due to the different screen resolutions need for the 2 devices.

No matter what I try to do the display always ends up showing on the primary display

Any Help?


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Hi, Mighty,

It is usually only possible to view PTE shows on the #1 display of a dual-mode setup unless the shows are in "windowed mode", in which case it is a simple matter to move them over to the second display.

However, if you make the projector the primary display, or if your video card allows you to display both at once, it is possible to view them on a projector. Check to see what your possibilities by right-clicking on the desktop, and choose "Properties / Settings / Advanced / Displays".

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