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I am new to the forum and P2EXE and to digital photography. I have made my JPEGs in Nikon Capture from Nikon NEF files. I am about to make my first slide show and would like to make some title slides and I do not own Photoshop. I do have access to Powerpoint, but have niot used in in three years and even then did not use it much. I have gone thru the lessons, but am rather intimidated by everything. Any suggestions? Joe Smith


Powerpoint will allow you to save slides as JPEG or PNG but unless I am mistaken they will not allow transparency in the PNGs. If you make the PP slide white text on a black back and use black as b/g in PTE the white text will appear to animate on the black b/g. It might work.


Hi there and welcom to our forum.

If you are new to PTE and the making of slide shows, you will find plenty of help from the members here. Why don't you consider using Photoshop elements? These days it is almost as good as the full version of Photoshop.

With regard to making slide shows, well you might benefit from watching some of the many video tutorials that are available from all over the place. I can recommend these three sites:

Beckham digital

David Rowley

My Webpage


Assuming that you are using version 4 of PTE, then you can do a reasonable job by just using PTE object editior.

If you want guidance on this, send me a private message and I'll do you a "mini - tutorial".

You'll also find other PTE help on my club website below.


........ and of course there is always PixBuilder Studio from WnSoft. Not that I have used it. Only that I have been using Photoshop for over 10 years since switching from Corel so i am not prepared to change horses now.

It is almost essential to have some form of Graphics programme for titling. When I was using slide projection for my AV's, sometimes I would photograph my prepared titles off the monitor screen and other times produce a print and photograph that.

Welcome Joe and good luck.

Ron [uK]


Thanks for the answers. I figured out how to use Object Editor to add titles above and at the top of most of the iamges and in the center of the first image in the presentation. The lesson on this could have been a little more helpful. I still do not know how to get titles near the top of an image. Center position seems to be the only thing that works. Joe Smith

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