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When I add an audio file (a file with a good strong signal that I can play before adding it) to a new track, when it shows up in the track, it has NO signal-- NONE!  I have run into this glitch on occasion before and I can't figure out why it has happened sometimes and not others.  It is happening to me consistently now and it's killing me.

Can anyone explain why this is happening?

Your help will be much appreciated.  



This problem can occur if this file is simultaneously open for editing in an audio editor that has blocked it for reading for other apps). You need to close this audio file in the editor, and then add it to the PTE AV Studio.

If PTE AV Studio 11 already generated a wrong audio waveform, you can fix it:
In the Main menu > Settings > Preferecens window > Timeline tab. Click "Clear Cache of Waveforms" button and then the OK button.
Then add again the audio file to your project. 

Sometimes audio file has incorrect file extension. MP3 audio file has .WAV file extension, or vice versa. Im this case you need to rename the audio file extension.

On 11/7/2024 at 6:35 PM, macian said:

Do you mean that in the audio track three is no waveform?

Yes, it's a .WAV file that's clearly playable with a healthy signal outside of the PTE app, but is a flatline dud when I drop it into a new track.

On 11/7/2024 at 8:04 PM, Barry Beckham said:

When someone sent me an audio file that would not play in PTE, I imported it into Audacity, then exported it out as an MP3 and it fixed the issue. 

I prefer .WAV files, Barry, and most often have not had this headache with them, but I'll try your MP3 trick as a workaround.  Thank you.

On 11/8/2024 at 1:59 AM, Igor said:


This problem can occur if this file is simultaneously open for editing in an audio editor that has blocked it for reading for other apps). You need to close this audio file in the editor, and then add it to the PTE AV Studio.

If PTE AV Studio 11 already generated a wrong audio waveform, you can fix it:
In the Main menu > Settings > Preferecens window > Timeline tab. Click "Clear Cache of Waveforms" button and then the OK button.
Then add again the audio file to your project. 

Sometimes audio file has incorrect file extension. MP3 audio file has .WAV file extension, or vice versa. Im this case you need to rename the audio file extension.

Thank you for this tip, Igor, but in Version 10, which I have, there is no "Clear Cache of Waveforms" option within the Timeline tab.  Also, the file was not open in another app (I use Audacity), nor does the file have an incorrect extension.


Hi Ken,

If you want to clear the wave cache, go to %localappdata%\WnSoft-WaveCache

and delete the files inside the directory.

Open the explorer and type  %localappdata%\WnSoft-WaveCache









Try to rename the audio file. Not extension, the main file name. PTE AV Studio will load this renamed file as a new file. The most likely it will help.

  • Igor changed the title to No signal in Audio File when added to a New Track [SOLVED]

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