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I've been using Pictures to Exe for over 3 years with no problems at all but when I tried to run the beta version of 5 I got an error message and the programme froze. The error message is:

'access violation of address 00000000. Read of address 00000000'

I've since tried a couple of times more and with the same result each time.

I don't understand what the problem is, as I've downloaded it successfully onto a laptop which is an older, slower, machine. The laptop runs on Windows XP and the desktop computer on Windows 2000.

I'd be grateful for any ideas that anyone can offer, however, any explanation, that needs technical knowledge, is in a foreign language to me so words of one syllable would be appreciated!

Guest Techman1


Three years and yet this is your first post, well let me be the first to welcome you to the forum. Welcome!

Regarding the problem you are having, I'm a little confused (that's not uncommone). Are you saying you are getting this message on both of your pc's or just on your desktop running Windows 2000? Did you try to download the program again and reinstall with the same result? Does your desktop have a video card with at least 32mb of video RAM?

Please update us on the above, then I'm sure someone can chime in on the potential problem. If not, I'm sure Igor will review the forum sometime today or tomorrow and will surely respond.



  SheilaG said:


I've been using Pictures to Exe for over 3 years with no problems at all but when I tried to run the beta version of 5 I got an error message and the programme froze. The error message is:

'access violation of address 00000000. Read of address 00000000'

I've since tried a couple of times more and with the same result each time.

I don't understand what the problem is, as I've downloaded it successfully onto a laptop which is an older, slower, machine. The laptop runs on Windows XP and the desktop computer on Windows 2000.

I'd be grateful for any ideas that anyone can offer, however, any explanation, that needs technical knowledge, is in a foreign language to me so words of one syllable would be appreciated!

Hi Sheila,

I'm a bit unclear. Are you having the same problem with the same error message on both the laptop and desktop, or only on the desktop?

Windows 2000 is quirky and I've seen some cases where it won't play an executable file from P2E so there may be some as yet undiagnosed incompatibility but it definitely "should" run on Windows XP without issues. I have a friend who has Windows 2000 on two different computers. On one the slideshows from 5.0 beta 3 run but there is "clicking" in the sound and even though he has a decent video card, the performance is not up to par. On his other Windows 2000 machine the executables won't even load.

Unfortunately there are not too many of us who have Windows 2000 so it's difficult to get good data, but there may be some incompatibilities between Windows 2000 and P2E Beta.




The problem happens when you start PicturesToExe or when you try to run Preview of slideshow or EXE file with slide-show?

What video card you have installed?

Temporarily PicturesToExe beta requires modern video card and DirectX 8.1 or higher.


It's very strange! Please help me with solving this problem.

Look at questions I asked above.

  admin1 said:


The problem happens when you start PicturesToExe or when you try to run Preview of slideshow or EXE file with slide-show?

What video card you have installed?

Temporarily PicturesToExe beta requires modern video card and DirectX 8.1 or higher.


It's very strange! Please help me with solving this problem.

Look at questions I asked above.

Hi Igor,

I will try to find out which video card my friend has in each machine and which DirectX version. We tried to run a couple slideshows and on the one machine the sound had "clicking" on a regular basis and the video response was very slow so you could see almost a half second frame change. On the second none of my slideshow executables would load at all.

He lives about 30 miles away but I will try to find out what's going on and perhaps we can get it corrected. I suspect it may be due to the version of DirectX. He is an engineer and uses both systems for only Autocad and earlier slideshows with 4.x run fine on both machines.

Best regards,



Sheila & Lin,

We have '7xWin 2000.Pros' in our Workshops and in Ireland its widely used in Industrial and

Semi-State Organisations for the following reasons:

* Its virtually 'bullet-proof'

* Its extremely stable, some would call it a "stiff" Operating System.

* Loves running with Servers such as AST-400 upwards and Shared PC's.

* Its an ultra-flexible 'Cross-Platform System' which can run virtually all

Microsoft Op.Systems Programs from '95 all the way to XP-Pro inclusive.

But you pay for these features in other ways:- Its Faults (if you can call them that)

* Highly intolerant of 'Duplicate Files & Folders'

* Highly intolerant of 'sloppy' PC.Management.

* Has excellent Memory Management features

but uses vast amounts of 'Virtual-Memory'

Recently there were Major Upgrades to the 2000 System ~some 35 in all~ and I wonder if Sheila

has updated her 2000 PC?...if not, it simply won't work with Beta-5. (These upgrades are free)

Having said all that I suspect Sheila has loaded Beta-5 into the 'Old PTE.4 Folder' or has titled

a New Folder with a similar name.

Another problem is 'User RAM' ~ if the 2000 has not got at least 96.Mb of Ram (it takes nearly 50.Mb

to run its own Systems) so in most cases it will refuse to run Beta-5 because it can't manage the vital

128.Mb of Virtual Memory which it would like to allocate to manage the Program ~ and that's minimum.

Win 2000 is like that, if its low on User Ram it can't manage the massive amounts of Virtual Memory

needed for Engineering Work and Public Utilities Work, that's the way its designed.

Sheila needs to check for 'Duplicate File Names' and the amount of 'User Ram' installed in the 2000 and

to check for 'System 2000 Upgrades' before tearing-into PTE.Beta-5 ~ this before you start into Graphic

Cards and other resources needed to run Beta-5.




Thanks to everyone that picked up on the message.

Firstly ........ apologies for not making myself more clear. I installed the beta version onto the desktop 2000 computer in the usual way, into its own folder (the older version, 4.41, is still working perfectly). The beta version opens, allows me to identify folders, select and add pictures but then freezes when I attempt to run a preview. Alternatively, when I select a picture and click on the 'objects and animation' button it opens the new window but doesn't show the picture; the error message comes up and the programme freezes.

The beta version was also installed on the laptop (running Windows XP) into its own folder and appears to function normally ........ I've only looked at it briefly as the laptop is not my normal picture-making machine. As a further test I upgraded a friend's PtoE, on a computer running XP, and that also ran the beta version without a problem.

The computer running Windows 2000 is the one I use for making pictures and has 512 MB of RAM and a 2500 processor so is perfectly adequate to run PtoE. However, because it stores the main copy of all my image files I don't have it linked to the internet so it doesn't have the more recent upgrades from Microsoft. I don't know anything about the video card as my son built the computer and, as he's out of the country at the moment, I can't ask him.

Reading your replies it appears that the problem is probably to do with my not having either the 2000 upgrades or a suitable video card.

I'll check the video card at the first opportunity and think about an internet link to get the upgrades. In the meantime I'll have to use the laptop whilst I learn how to use the new features.

Thanks for all the help .........

Sheila G



I think problem in old version of DirectX (older than 8.1) or in old video card.

Next betas of PicturesToExe v5.00 will support all configurations of PCs as earlier.


Microsoft 2000 and 2000.Pro Upgrades

Hi Sheila,

Read your reply and Igors opinion on 'Dir-X' Upgrade.

Your PC Data is all OK ~ So let's get a few things out of the way so you can get ahead.

The link below brings you directly to the Microsoft 2000 Upgrade Centre.

This will 'automatically scan' your PC and determine the Upgrades you really need.

Make sure you Download & Install Service Pak-4 (if its not already done) don't worry

Microsoft will make that decision for you ~ Select the 'Express Method' and follow instructions.

See "Attachment" which shows you where to Start ~ and below the 'Link'.


After this, all you have to worry about is the Graphics Card as the 'Upgrade' also include the

latest Directory-X9 Program.


P.S When everything is 'downloaded' get-off the Web, then close down your Anti-Virus before

Installing the 'Upgrades' ~ sometimes thats not necessary~ Microsoft will tell you what to do.




  admin1 said:


I think problem in old version of DirectX (older than 8.1) or in old video card.

Next betas of PicturesToExe v5.00 will support all configurations of PCs as earlier.

That's great to know! I'll look forward to it.


Thanks for the advice.

When I was linked to the internet I regularly downloaded the upgrades. The hard-drive was re-formatted earlier this year and I didn't have the modem re-installed. However, I'm finding that there are a couple of things that would be better if I had internet access again so I'll get my son to do it for me when he returns.

Sheila G

  SheilaG said:


That's great to know! I'll look forward to it.


Thanks for the advice.

When I was linked to the internet I regularly downloaded the upgrades. The hard-drive was re-formatted earlier this year and I didn't have the modem re-installed. However, I'm finding that there are a couple of things that would be better if I had internet access again so I'll get my son to do it for me when he returns.

Sheila G


I can't emphasise how much 2000 has changed in the past 90 Days ~ if you don't have the recent

"Upgrades" particularily to SP4 Folder you may still be in trouble with PTE Beta-5.

Let me explain, Microsoft is on the 'verge' of releasing their new Operating System "Vista" and this has

to accomodate Win.2000 Engineering Interests Worldwide, so they released a "2000 Round-Up" of all

that's necessary to bring 2000 up to the operational levels of XP-SP6 and there are choices thereafter

concerning "Vista" itself.

When your Son comes home make sure he brings your 2000 is up to the mark, otherwise I am afraid

you may be left out in the cold, this apart from any other problem you may encounter.

Hope this is of help to you...


  Conflow said:


When your Son comes home make sure he brings your 2000 is up to the mark, otherwise I am afraid

you may be left out in the cold, this apart from any other problem you may encounter.

Hope this is of help to you...


It's certainly more than 90 days since I did an upgrade .......... I'll treat this as a priority as soon as he returns.

Thanks for being so helpful.

Sheila G

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