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Hi Igor,

if I understand the lightness parameter, it is an exposure compensation.

So, if a video is under-expose or over-expose, this parameter is the one to use I think, before Brightness, Contrast,...

If the slider show the EV ( exposure value) it would be best.




If I am right,

Lightness is the perception of brightness, without color information, on a scale from black to white.

So this must be what the parameter express.

On 12/6/2024 at 6:14 AM, denisb said:

So, if a video is under-expose or over-expose, this parameter is the one to use I think, before Brightness, Contrast,...

If the slider show the EV ( exposure value) it would be best.

To correct overexposure or underexposure, you can also use the "midtones" and, if necessary, "whitepoint" and "blackpoint" settings.

In my opinion, the brightness setting is more important for improving the visual appearance of colors.
Besides, is it really the aim of PTE Video Optimizer to correct colorimetric defects when editing videos?


  • Igor changed the title to Saturation [SOLVED]

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