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About a week ago, using the procedure that has worked before, I burned a DVD and when it finished I changed the disk in the Iomega SuperDVD and clicked BURN again in the Roxio program I use to make DVDs of slide shows. This is the first time I tried to make 2 disks. The second disk would not play. I can no longer burn any kind of disk with out errors using Roxio and my laptop. I DID reinstall Roxio, no change. I then hooked up the Iomega SuperDVD to my desktop and I can not burn even a simple audio CD any more. So the problem seems to be in the drive.

I belive this because Pic2exe does not generate a real AVI file. Pic2exe's temp avi "file" disappeared and Roxio did not have a proper file for the second burn.

Any ideas what Pic2exe did to the drive and how to get it working again?


  Richhaas said:

About a week ago, using the procedure that has worked before, I burned a DVD and when it finished I changed the disk in the Iomega SuperDVD and clicked BURN again in the Roxio program I use to make DVDs of slide shows. This is the first time I tried to make 2 disks. The second disk would not play. I can no longer burn any kind of disk with out errors using Roxio and my laptop. I DID reinstall Roxio, no change. I then hooked up the Iomega SuperDVD to my desktop and I can not burn even a simple audio CD any more. So the problem seems to be in the drive.

I belive this because Pic2exe does not generate a real AVI file. Pic2exe's temp avi "file" disappeared and Roxio did not have a proper file for the second burn.

Any ideas what Pic2exe did to the drive and how to get it working again?


Hi Richard,

Whatever happened, PicturesToExe did not "do" anything to your drive. PicturesToExe does not burn DVD's and has no communication with your DVD drive. Roxio controls your drive for burns but I doubt that it has anything to do with this problem either. The chances are really good that this simply happened while you were attempting to burn the second disk and has no relation at all to any of the software.

PicturesToExe can either produce an AVI file or an AVI template which contains only the sound and passes the video information along to whichever program you use to burn the disk. To produce an AVI file from P2E you use the Custom AVI function which allows you to choose whichever codec you have available which is amenable to the particular job being presented.

DVD burners have a quite limited lifespan - much less than you might expect. I've been through about five including three Plextor top-of-line, an HP and a Sony, and this in less than two years. The chances are that your drive simply failed for the same reason most do. If it's under warranty, get it replaced, if not buy another. Before you do either, you might try another burning engine such as Copy To DVD or one of a number of freeware to be sure you don't have some corrupted driver software (this also happens through no fault of any software).

Best regards,



Lin Said,

DVD burners have a quite limited lifespan - much less than you might expect. I've been through about five including three Plextor top-of-line, an HP and a Sony, and this in less than two years.

Interesting statement Lin, just how many DVD's do you burn to achieve such a high failure rate?


  Ronniebootwest said:

Lin Said,

Interesting statement Lin, just how many DVD's do you burn to achieve such a high failure rate?


We average around 20 per week, give or take.

Best regards,



I have burned about 50 DVD's in the last 2 years and maybe 300 CDs. This hardly seems excessive. I did not mean Pic2exe sent code to the DVD, Roxio does that. But has anyone made several copies of a slide show to several DVDs and been sucessful? I only have this one 'experiment' to go by.


  Richhaas said:

I have burned about 50 DVD's in the last 2 years and maybe 300 CDs. This hardly seems excessive. I did not mean Pic2exe sent code to the DVD, Roxio does that. But has anyone made several copies of a slide show to several DVDs and been sucessful? I only have this one 'experiment' to go by.


Many times I have burned several DVD disks from a single source code using Nero 6. When rendering the DVD files (.IFO, .VBO, .BUP) using the temporary AVI file produced by PTE and importing this into Ulead Movie Factory, I DO NOT burn the vidoe files to a DVD disk immediately but create the files on my hard disk first. Then I use Nero 6 to burn the DVD disks. I do a project once a year for which I create a number of copies, all in the same burning run and I have never had any trouble. Seems as if Lin's reply is the most likely answer. Try just copying and old file to a DVD or CD and see if the burner is working.




You have me somewhat confused ~

Firstly,you Burnt a DVD....On what Drive and with what Software ?

Secondly, you inserted a Blank Disk...Into what Drive ? and this time you used Roxio Software.

Am I correct in saying that you attempted to Burn 2 Discs (simultaneously) in different Drives

but used the Roxio Program to drive both Burners simultaneously ?

Now, neither Burner will operate correctly !!....is this the case ?



No, I went through the ususl process with P2exe to create a Video DVD disk of a slideshow and opened Roxio to do the actual burning. I burnt the first disk. Then without going out of Roxio and without starting p2exe again as I have done before I just took out the first DVD which works just fine put in a new disk and clicked the BURN button in Roxio to make a second disk. This is the first time I have tried to make multiple DVDs from a single running session of p2exe. I usually just "Copy DVD" the first disk if I want more than 1, I don't keep opening p2exe to make copies. I just did this once and to answer a previous question I have already tried to do other kinds of burning and on other computers. The drive won't burn an error free disk since trying to use p2exe twice.



It seems that you are having problems when attempting to burn further copies. I get around this problem with a 'multiple copier'. A standalone machine that will copy three additional copies from the master copy that I burn with Nero. This method is quick and easy.




Thanks for your re-explaination:-

Its got nothing to do with the PTE.Program but everything to do with your Image & File Names...And how you Manage your Software. (provided the Burner is not U/S)

Let me explain:-

When you start the 'Burner Program' it starts a sequence of events first checking the overall File Size to see will it fit on a CD-Disc. Then it checks the File contents to see "What File Types" you are burning. Then it check the File Names to see if they are ISO Compatible to 8 character lenght, if not, it converts the File Names to ISO Standard, it then looks for 'Non-Standard File' and converts these also. It also checks for Copyright ~ it does an awful lot more that that.

So, unknown to you:-

EVERYTHING going to the Disc is to the ISO STANDARD so it can be Re-Played on STANDARD PLAYERS.

Get the idea ?...

During the preparation process it creates a 'Temporary ISO Cache File' from which it works during the 'burn-process' Finally it does a Verification against the Cache File, and if all is OK it spits out the Disc.

Now it ask's,

Do you wish to Save the ISO File if you don't - it can't burn a 2nd Disc because you are telling it to "dump its Cache File" and if you do that, it thinks you want to burn a 'Different Disc' from different source materials before you finally quit the Program...So what do you expect it to do ?

Finally,if you intend doing a serious amount of CD Burning (CD or DVD) you are better off purchasing a 'Multiple Copy Burner' as Ronnie Boothwest suggested - so much less hastle for you.

Hope this simply explains whats going on..


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