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Help !

2 queries

Trying out latest Beta #5

While I am within 'Object & Animation' the various zooms & pans work fine

Having created a slide with a 60 second display time - and checking that it is still there on the timeline, the slide only displays for the 'standard' 4 secs that all the other slides are displaying, although it valiantly makes a fleeting attempt to reappear over the next slide

I also am not sure how to exit from 'Object & Animation' when zooms/pans all set up

- I am simply using the X in the top right corner - this may be part of my problem

Just back from holiday with lots of images crying out for this feature - if only I could use it

Can anyone help, please ?

  fergy said:

Help !

2 queries

Trying out latest Beta #5

While I am within 'Object & Animation' the various zooms & pans work fine

Having created a slide with a 60 second display time - and checking that it is still there on the timeline, the slide only displays for the 'standard' 4 secs that all the other slides are displaying, although it valiantly makes a fleeting attempt to reappear over the next slide

I also am not sure how to exit from 'Object & Animation' when zooms/pans all set up

- I am simply using the X in the top right corner - this may be part of my problem

Just back from holiday with lots of images crying out for this feature - if only I could use it

Can anyone help, please ?

Just a couple quick questions. First, did you set the 60 seconds for this slide in the Customize Slide Main tab? If not, you need to set it there. Second, if you did set it for 60 seconds and that shows on the timeline in the Objects and Animation view, do you have any background music presently set? If so, please remove the music and try running it again and see if it works properly then. I'll explain a bit later....

To exit from the Objects & Animations screen you indeed do use the "X" at the top right corner which should return you to the main window.

Recently there have been some issues with background sound and display times in the Objects and Animations screen. Your issue "may" be associated with this which is being corrected as we speak.

If removing the music "fixes" the problem, then we can go from there. If it doesn't then it might be a good idea for you to use the "File" "Create Backup in Zip" and post a link so we can see what's going on and help correct the problem.

best regards,


  fergy said:


thanks for the quick response

will try your suggestions, and let you knwo how I get on


Removing music seems to sort the problem

What now ?


Let me refer you to this link:



Please try this new test beta: http://www.wnsoft.com/test/pte500_b6_pre1.zip

Unpack to a new folder and run apr.exe file

Now slideshow will work when "Use music" unchecked. Thanks that your found this problem!

p.s. please don't use it as main beta, because it's not fully ready.


Note the caveat about using it as "main beta" because it's not fully ready, but it may solve your immediate issue and not affect anything else. Suggest you install it in a separate folder pending more information from Igor.....


  fergy said:
Removing music seems to sort the problem

What now ?


You might try another piece of music temporarily to see if you have the same problem. Also, when you play any of the demos or v.5 shows on Beechbrook can you hear the music OK?

You might also check to make sure that none of your transitions, as shown on the timeline, are overlapping.



After a hard week at work - back at the PC

Thanks for the input

Unfortunately .............

Tried new music - still same problem

Tried Beechwood - no problems

Presentation originally running on large files. ie 100 images - 350 Mb inc 7 Mb panorama

- have now tried with only 3 images - and seems to work, although initially apears a little clunky - so may be to do with power of PC etc

Having said that I have previously run presentations at least double this size with no problem on same PC

Now about to attempt quick test with another presentation - with already resized images

Again - help much appreciated


  fergy said:


After a hard week at work - back at the PC

Thanks for the input

Unfortunately .............

Tried new music - still same problem

Tried Beechwood - no problems

Presentation originally running on large files. ie 100 images - 350 Mb inc 7 Mb panorama

- have now tried with only 3 images - and seems to work, although initially apears a little clunky - so may be to do with power of PC etc

Having said that I have previously run presentations at least double this size with no problem on same PC

Now about to attempt quick test with another presentation - with already resized images

Again - help much appreciated


Hi Fergy,

Download this temp version beta - if it solves the problem it will be solved in Beta 6 - don't use it for a replacement for version 5, but if everything works as you expect then use it for this presentation. Be sure to install it in a different folder.



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