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Using the capabilities of artificial intelligence (AI), I asked famous people to smile at us all from their photos.
A smile will make everyone happier!
Not everything turned out as I wanted.
Some videos look like their characters, some - not so much, it's not for me to judge.
The project used the Hailuo AI neural network.


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Interesting but disconcerting.  This entire AI thing where you can put anyone in some situation anyplace/anytime and have them speaking things they may not have actually said is a bit scary.

11 hours ago, SeismicGuy said:

Interesting but disconcerting.

SeismicGuy, Thank you for watching and commenting! Maybe AI can be scary or treat it with caution. It all depends on the task. I tried to make more positivity and smiles.


Thank you, nice to look at-

There is a smile in this world (Rainhard Fendrich)



Thanks for this, and for providing the software that you used.

I have explored the AI site and will play with it some more.

It has produced some exciting creations from old family photos.



Unwatchable and very dangerous. in fact, it starts with children's games (like this video) and then gets used to the invasive use of Artificial Intelligence. Human Intelligence is enough. Thanks



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