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I wasn't able to open the site for your new tutorial.

I'm sure it will be greatly appreciated judging by the requests for how to do the Star Wars effect.


I'm in the process of downloaded the tutorial from your second post - the address was apparently wrong here. Keep up the good work! :)


Hi Lin

I've downloaded your tutorial and it will play in Windows Media Player with sound - but sorry to have to tell you I don't have a picture!! Best regards - Nettleton


Hi Guys,

I actually used the "Full Edit" feature, and I ended up with a 2nd post - probably not what was supposed to happen so I'll delete the first one...



Hi Lin

I HAD used the second posting (wasn't successful with the original post download) to download the tutorial but still could only get sound, not picture, in Windows Media Player. Nettleton


Hi Lin

I HAD used the second posting (wasn't successful with the original post download) to download the tutorial but still could only get sound, not picture, in Windows Media Player. Nettleton

Hi Nettleton,

Yes, that's the problem with AVI - there are actually two codecs used with AVI - one for the video and another for the sound. In order to hear and see you must have both the sound codec and video codec to "decompress" the AVI resident on your computer. Check your version of DivX by clicking on "Run" then type in "dxdiag" and click on "O.K" - the diagnostic will run and tell you which version of DirectX you have. If you don't have the latest version (Direct X 9.0c) then if you download it from the Microsoft site I "think" you will get the DVX-Pro codec automatically installed.

Let me know if this doesn't work and I'll try to make a Flash version for you. Do you have the Flash 8 player installed?

Best regards,


Hi Nettleton,

In case you have Flash 8 (if not, you can download and install it from the MacroMedia site in just seconds!) you can use this link to download a zipped Flash 8 version. Just unzip it and use your browser off-line to play once you have Flash 8.




Hi Lin

Have run Direct X Diagnostics and I have Direct X 9.0c installed. Have found that I can run other .AVI files that I have, just not your .avi tutorial.

I have now downloaded the flash version of the tutorial, installed Flash Player 8, gone off line, unzipped the tutorial, clicked on Open, and got a WinZip Caution message saying my system isn't properly configured to view this file. I clicked OK to continue anyway and a WordPad window full of gobbledy-gook came up. Not sure how to configure my system.

Have searched Google to see how to view .swf files but don't fully understand what I am seeing. I have come across companies offering s/w for sale for viewing .swf files but would prefer not to take that route. Do you know an easier way??

Could you please advise what I should try next??? Really appreciate your help. Many thanks - Nettleton

Have searched Google to see how to view .swf files but don't fully understand what I am seeing. I have come across companies offering s/w for sale for viewing .swf files but would prefer not to take that route. Do you know an easier way??


Do you have IrfanView installed? It has a player that will also show Flash "swf" files.


Hi Lin

Have run Direct X Diagnostics and I have Direct X 9.0c installed. Have found that I can run other .AVI files that I have, just not your .avi tutorial.

I have now downloaded the flash version of the tutorial, installed Flash Player 8, gone off line, unzipped the tutorial, clicked on Open, and got a WinZip Caution message saying my system isn't properly configured to view this file. I clicked OK to continue anyway and a WordPad window full of gobbledy-gook came up. Not sure how to configure my system.

Have searched Google to see how to view .swf files but don't fully understand what I am seeing. I have come across companies offering s/w for sale for viewing .swf files but would prefer not to take that route. Do you know an easier way??

Could you please advise what I should try next??? Really appreciate your help. Many thanks - Nettleton

Hi Nettleton,

Did you actually use your "Browser"? That is like you were getting on the internet. Don't try to "run" the file, just click on Internet Explorer (not Explore) if that it your browser, then click on "File" "Open" then browse to the area where you stored the SWF file and click on it to use Internet Explorer to open the SWF file.

The suggestion to use IrfanView won't work in this case because it's a Flash 8 fle and IrfanView only plays Flash 3+ files (up to Flash 5 I think). If this doesn't work for you I'll try to encode it in a lower version of Flash, but if your Flash 8 player was installed (try booting up the computer again to be sure that it's recognized by the system) you "should" be able to play it with no trouble using your Internet Explorer browser off-line.

Best regards,



Hi there

Al, Ron - I don't have IranView or Swiff Player installed but will make a note of them for possible future use. Thank you.

Lin - Yes, I have used my 'Browser' to run the tut and it still wouldn't open. Neither could I open the Starwars tuts. However, I have now downloaded DivX codec and they all run perfectly in Windows Media Player! Thank you for your efforts in trying to sort out my problem. And Thank You for such well presented informative tutorials.

Best regards - Nettleton


Thanks for this Ken - site looks interesting. Will have a closer look over the weekend.

Regards - Nettleton

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