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I must be more stupid than I thought (Don't answer that!) but I have never been able to figure out how to utilise any of the wonderful templates that have been appearing recently. Viewing the superb demos is driving me daft.

My knowledge is obviously limited but I have been playing with PAZ with some success, adding objects, titles etc. I am not totally ignorant of the “Objects and Animations” window.

Can someone please give me a few clues as to how to proceed. I have been attempting for instance today to use The Dom’s “White Frames” so perhaps you could have that in mind when answering.

Another very basic point is that I have never been able to open any of the “Full PTE Projects” that you good folk often share. I assume that they should be opened within PTE to let us study how you have put your demos together.

Thanks once again (in anticipation)


John (OLD FOOL!)

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you must be running directx >ver 9.0 - present is 9.0c

you must have >64 mb ram on your video/graphics card to get half decent performance -

try to d/l Igors samples and see if you can run them and report results

Example of slide-show created in PictresToExe v5.00


1) "PteShow" - http://www.wnsoft.com/apr/show/PteShow.zip (12 MB) EXE file

Source files of this project: http://www.wnsoft.com/apr/show/PteShow_sources.zip (12 MB)

Powerful slide-show with high quality 2400x1500 images. Intended for modern video cards.

2) "Flowers" - http://www.wnsoft.com/apr/show/Flowers.zip (1.5 MB) EXE file and source files.

1024x768 images. Works fine almost on any video card.

3) "NoResizing" - http://www.wnsoft.com/apr/show/NoResizing.zip (1.5 MB) EXE file and source files.

This example shows how to display images as is without resizing on any screen display. Exactly pixel in pixel. But personally I don't like this option. It better to use scalable images, as in settings by default.


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Thanks for your reply. Perhaps I have not made myself quite clear.

I am running Beta 5.5 and have been able to open and run all shows, including Igor's, on many occasions and have just done so again now.

I am able to open the "xxxx.pte" folders by first saving them to my h/d and then opening 5.5 and then opening the "xxxx.pte" from there. If however, I try to open rather than save, direct from the unzip process an "INFORMATION" box invites me to open in an earlier version of PTE and fails. This is one of the problems I had in the past.

I assume that these particular example source files of Igor's and others are for us to try to build the show as they built it from these recourses. I had thought that what I would be presented with when I opened these files was the constructed show at the stage just prior to "create" so that we could examine the timings, action points etc.

Yes or No?

If YES then it’s not happening for me.

If NO my problem then is how to use the templates within my shows.

With regards to Direct X I have no idea which version I am running (or how to find out), all I can say is that I constantly get automatic updates from M/S. Neither do I know how much memory there is on my Graphics card but believe it to be up to spec. It is a NVIDA GeForce FX5600 which has in the past been considered ok.



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the first screen will tell you what version it is

the "display" screen will tell you what graphics you have

Igors demo's were made to see if you have enough computer to run an average show

Lin Evans has also made demo's to test your system

your wrote

If NO my problem then is how to use the templates within my shows.

they are meant to show you how it is done

my one "successful show " was done by following Igor's first day inst's


5) Please read my short tutorial how to use new Visual editor to add Pan/Zoom effects.


and then faithfully wading thru all the daily postings and trying things

your statement

I am able to open the "xxxx.pte" folders by first saving them to my h/d and then opening 5.5 and then opening the "xxxx.pte" from there. If however, I try to open rather than save, direct from the unzip process an "INFORMATION" box invites me to open in an earlier version of PTE and fails. This is one of the problems I had in the past.

rather than try and explain a work around stick with this method

"and then opening 5.5 and then opening the "xxxx.pte" from there"

ver 5 is a test of your patience for most of us -- dont let the fantastic demos intimidate you

when i give out demo's i qualify them with "still in beta kind of rough" -- my neighbour said " i didn't think they still made beta's, but it sure played good on my 50" plasma" :blink:


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Thanks for your swift reply.

I can now confirm that I am running DirectX 9.0c and that I have 256 MB on my card.

I have run all the tests that Igor and Lin have produced and am happy that my desk top is up to the task.

I have also read all the tutorials that you and others have kindly produced over the recent past.

I have persisted down the line of opening one of the DOM’s Project Files from within PTE5 and guess what! I have managed it! There it is, all the details of how he put the show together for me to study and learn from. I was sure this was what I should get but because I was going about opening the file incorrectly I was missing it.

Thanks again for your help. Its head down time now! The only problem is that I’m going off on holiday to Sicily in a few days and I’ll be short of time before I go and may have to leave it all till my return. I don’t think that “her indoors” (unless your British you may not know that somewhat derogatory expression) will let me take my laptop as well as my camera!

Regards and thanks


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well you must convince her that you must have your laptop -- not only for you to keep up with the news, but the laptop is for her pleasure in case she got bored while you were out shooting -- she could rent a movie and watch it on the laptop

assuming it is dvd compatible

wortha try :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:


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