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I am a new user of PTE 5 and looking for how to put text on the slides.

In PTE 4.48 it was easy but in the newer version I don't find it!

Is it not yet incomplemented or what?

I would love also to know how to put two sounds (bckgrmusic and a voice) together.

Is it possible to put 2 different mp3-files on a PTE-show?




I am a new user of PTE 5 and looking for how to put text on the slides.

In PTE 4.48 it was easy but in the newer version I don't find it!

Is it not yet incomplemented or what?

I would love also to know how to put two sounds (bckgrmusic and a voice) together.

Is it possible to put 2 different mp3-files on a PTE-show?



Hello Luc,

Still in Beta - Version 5 has not been released and there are still many features not yet implemented in the beta version. Right now is beta 5 and there will be at least beta 7 before version 5 is completed.

You can use transparent background PNG files created in Photoshop or other software to do amazing text effects with beta 5. There have been numerous tutorials written on how to add and use text effects. Go to theDom's web-site for links. Look up theDom on the search engine here on the forums or just click on any of his links. I have written tutorials myself in audio-visual format as well as in PDF format so there is plenty of information about how to do this available.

The best way to put background and voice is to use MP3 format for your background. Add it by clicking on the Project Options, Music, then Add Music. It's best to put your voice over by using the Custom Slide feature to add the voice. If you want you "could" use Audacity (find it free on the web) to combine voice over with music and make a single MP3.

You can add multiple MP3's by just using the Project Options just like in the release version (4.xx) of PicturesToExe.

Look at some of the slideshow samples linked here or on Beachbrook to see what can be done with the beta versions. You can see some samples from the "Slideshow Demo" link on my site at:


These are in zipped executable format. Just clilck on the picture next to the description to download the zipped executable.

Best regards,


The best way to put background and voice is to use MP3 format for your background. Add it by clicking on the Project Options, Music, then Add Music.

This does not work on my PC in Beta 5

Best regards




This does not work on my PC in Beta 5

do you have box checked to play music



I have never been able to attach a sound file to an individual slide in V5, using the "Sound" function in the main screen.

I assumed the function had not yet been activated.

At present, I find it is only possible to mixdown the voiceover and background music track in Music Editing Software (I use Cool Edit) into a single MP3

The main disadvantage to this method is that, once you have made the mixdown, all the timings of slides and transitions must remain fixed in time and position. At least, that is, for those slides to which the voiceover makes reference.



The "Sound" line option hasn't been activated in v.5 yet - however it is possible to add music in Project Options as Ken suggested.


This does not work on my PC in Beta 5

Best regards


Yes, I'm wrong about that - it hasn't yet been activated as of Beta 5....

Best regards,


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