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I have been experimenting with some 'panning' effects in one of my shows and it works without a hitch on my system.

There have been some reports of 'jerkiness' on a few computers so if you would like to test your own system, then download this slide show and let me know if it runs smoothly please.

You might like to comment on the 'effects' as well :rolleyes:

Please note: This download is only available for 7 days

Download it Here:

This is a 26mb file and will take about 4 minutes to download on a broadband system (not really suitable for dial-up)


let me know if it runs smoothly

It run smoothly on my PC (Radeon 7500 64 mb)

I found there are too much effects for such a slideshow and for one (3 vertical parts) you need to don't use edge antialiasing, because it's probably the reason for which there are two lines on the final picture.

It's the problem of how to use new effects, it will probably take some time before we use them correctly.

Thanks for sharing

  JPD said:

It run smoothly on my PC (Radeon 7500 64 mb)

I found there are too much effects for such a slideshow and for one (3 vertical parts) you need to don't use edge antialiasing, because it's probably the reason for which there are two lines on the final picture.

It's the problem of how to use new effects, it will probably take some time before we use them correctly.

Thanks for sharing

I am curious as to why you are getting the 'two lines' in the final picture. I assume you mean that you can see the line where the three images join together. This is not normal and I wonder why it is happening on your computer. I have taken your advice and 'unchecked' the antialiasing box. It maybe something to do with the photoshop action that I made so if you send me your email address I will send you a test zip file that you can test out on your computer - this might solve the 'two line' problem.

Anybody else who is seeing this problem can email me for the 'action test'



I have send you by email a screen copy, and I don't think it's my computer the problem for this point. I don't know which kind of files you used : JPG, PNG?.

I did the same kind of transition in Versailles and have no problem. The template is here



I think that the reason for you seeing the 'lines' is because you are probably running your screen resolution at a higher setting than 1024 x 768. My slide show was prepared at 1024 x 768 and so lines will be visible at any higher resolution.

You try it by temporarily changing the resolution and let me know.




I made the test and you are right : I can see the lines in 1280x1024 but no problem in 1024x768.

It means that we have to be carefull with this point when doing our slideshows. <_<


bussty and others had the line problem with beta 1 only it was in adifferent place and we proved it to him with screenshots -- he was not getting it because he was running a different screen reolution

alrobin, hawk, ronwil and others worked on it -- i was not quick enough to get a screen shot

but i was getting the line as well



I just send to Ronnie a sample in which the 2 first slides don't use Edge antialiasing and it's perfect for all screen definitions and the third and fourth slides use Edge anti-aliasing, there are no lines at 1024x 768 but lines at others screen definitions. I control Versailles at different screen definitions : no problem, I didn't used Edge anti-aliasing for these slides.

May be Ronnie can send us his template.

  JPD said:

I just send to Ronnie a sample in which the 2 first slides don't use Edge antialiasing and it's perfect for all screen definitions and the third and fourth slides use Edge anti-aliasing, there are no lines at 1024x 768 but lines at others screen definitions. I control Versailles at different screen definitions : no problem, I didn't used Edge anti-aliasing for these slides.

May be Ronnie can send us his template.


I have not received this file nor have I received the previous email that yoy said you had sent.

Did you use the correct email address?


  Ronniebootwest said:


I have not received this file nor have I received the previous email that yoy said you had sent.

Did you use the correct email address?


No, I used Westtraining@ntlworld.com that I found on your page. I just send you the 2 mails at the adress you give.



It's not a bug these two artefacts (vertical dark lines) on slide 5 or so.

It happened because you realized this effect as two images with incorrect hiddens parts in PNG image. First with two image strips and black area in the middle. And second with image strip at center and black areas at left and at right.

1) Bilinear resizing algorithm requires that hidden parts of image contains some picture data as visible parts and alpha channel 0%. In your PNG image there is only black color field in invisible parts of the image. So because of this you see black lines on edges.

So, to correctly prepare such image you need to select part of image which you want to make invisible and make alpha channel 0%. It's a little bit complex technique.

2) Alternate solution. Make three images (instead of two as you did) from this picture and this problem will be easily solved.


Do you remember we discussed similar problem recently?


Hello Igor,

I do not understand what you are saying, this problem does appear even when I create three sections of an image - indeed jpd picked up the lines when I uploaded a 'three way split' example.

How do you explain that the effect works perfectly (no lines visible) with a screen resolution of 1024 X 768 and only fails (lines visible) when a higher resolution is used?

jpd suggest that NOT using the anti-aliasing option, will solve the problem but I have tried this and the lines still appear with resolutions higher than 1024x768.




I performed additional testing, and you're right, but we can't fully eliminate this effect. It happens because objects have float-point coordinates/sizes.

In 1024x768 all is OK, because these images have 768 at height. And they displayed exactly pixel in pixel on the screen, without Bilinear resizing.

Disabling of "Edge antialiasing" a little improves situation.

I recommend you additionally overlap images on 2 pixels on the screen. It solves the problem and not noticeable, as I tested.

There is one full solution, but they complex, probably we'll realize it in the next version. Special loop for rounding of coordinates of nearest edges.


Do you remember we discussed similar problem recently?

Yes, it's the reason why I asked which kind of hile was used, but for slide I talk about to Ronnie, I tought he used JPG because there are no reason to use PNG there, and with JPG it's possible to have something perfect when not using Edge anti-aliasing. I send him an exemple.

With PNG, if there aren't transparent part, it's like PNG.

but I have tried this and the lines still appear with resolutions higher than 1024x768.

Please send me your 3 files, if there is transparency part, Igor explained why, if not, we have to see.



I will first try your suggestion and use jpeg images instead of PNG to see if the problem still exists.

However, Igor seem to think that he will solve this proble in the next beta to be realeased, so it might be better just to wait a while!




We did additional test. This problem happens only because coordinates of images written in float-point. And it's impossible to visually exactly place together two objects. We'll think about special tool in Visual editor for this purpose.

  JPD said:

Yes, it's the reason why I asked which kind of hile was used, but for slide I talk about to Ronnie, I tought he used JPG because there are no reason to use PNG there, and with JPG it's possible to have something perfect when not using Edge anti-aliasing. I send him an exemple.

With PNG, if there aren't transparent part, it's like PNG.


I totally agree (see here). :)



I don't understand why use PNG instead of JPG when there are no transparency, it's more heavy, need more power and use 33% more of video card memory. Of course, I also agree with you.


Why are you saying that there is no need for transparency? Of course there is!

jpeg would show two thirds of the image as a white background.


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