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I currently have Photoshop Elements 3 and am pondering an upgrade to either of those in the topic. True the lesser price would be the Elements 5 route but it sounds like the CS2 may be worth the extra dollars. I see TheDoms actions for CS2 as well as from a lot of reading on how useful the CS2 is. I have had time to barely scratch the surface on what I have but feel the need to get deeper into Photoshop in some form as well as more time with my camera.

Has anyone on the forum gotten the new Elements 5? Or anyone used both CS2 and 5 to suggest which way to go.



Retired USMC


Hi Max,

I had version 5 LE which I got with a film scanner and it was fine. But if you want to get deep into photoshop then spend the bucks on CS2. This is a fine programme and has many more tools than the elements or LE versions.

If you do buy have a look out for "Quick Steos with Photoshop CS2 ISBN 0-07-226159-5 you can get it from www.osborne.com It gives you all the basic info in cleare and presice detail. Just like all those manuals you remember from the USMC :blink:



I had Elements 4 and to be honest, barely scratched the surface with it. But, Adobe had an offer to upgrade to CS2 at a nice discount so I went for it. It was too good of a deal to pass up. I am happy that I did. I love the CS2 Bridge as well as CS2. I purchased some tutorials from Barry Beckham and am going through them. I would suggest either getting a good book and/or tutorial DVD's if you decide to go with CS2 (or Elements 5). It really helps unlock what you can do with the program. There is definitely a steep learning curve with these programs. But the power of what they can do is only limited by your creativity and knowledge of the program.

If you are thinking of going to CS2 and you already own Elements 3, give Adobe a call and see if they have any deals going on. It's worth a try.

Also, you can download a trial version of CS2 from Adobe which I believe is good for 30 days on their website.


I have heard comments about the Photoshop CS2 and Elements. Do these give anything that Photoshop 7 does not have or are their capabilities included in Photoshop7?



I have heard comments about the Photoshop CS2 and Elements. Do these give anything that Photoshop 7 does not have or are their capabilities included in Photoshop7?


Hi Howard,

Sure, there are a number of improvements over Photoshop 7 in CS and still more in CS2. Elements has about 75% of the power of Photoshop but whether or not you really need either depends a great deal on what you do with the program.

If you are a serious photographer who wants the very best from RAW images, then both Photoshop CS2 and the latest version of Elements give you much more (Adobe Raw Converter) to work with than seven, but if you only use the program as a means of light touch up for levels, curves, creating PNG files, etc., then you will likely not get your money's worth from upgrading. If you can say more about what you do or intend to do with Photoshop it would be easier to comment.

Best regards,



Thanks Lin,

Currently Photoshop 7 has done all I have really needed to do, or that I thought I needed to do. Basic touchups and text and collages are what I have been using it for. I will have to research these other programs to see what they do. I was just curious since I see the CS2 referred to often.


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