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PTE trying to communicate to network


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Sorry to bring things back to version 4, but I have had this issue a little now and then. But it just happened twice within 10 minutes while previewing a new show I am working.

My FIREWALL is telling me that a file (seemingly connected with PTE that is running) has changed and is trying to connect to an outside host.

I stop it from doing that and here is part of the message I get:

"Application has changed since the last time you opened it, process id: 3024

Filename: C:\Documents and Settings\JRR\Local Settings\Temp\p2e_prev.exe

The change was denied by user"

I suspect file p2e_prev.exe is an internal PTE file as I never created such a file.

My PTE shows are all resident on Drive D, with the software being on C drive in Program Files.

Can anyone tell me what they think is going on please and thanks.

I have checked for viruses and spyware etc


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It's a strange. I again should say that we don't set any Internet connection nor in PicturesToExe nor in slide shows. I hate such behavior of some programs and I will never do it in my programs.

As message says slide show didn't try to set connection with some web site.

p2e_prev.exe is EXE file for fullscreen Preview when you work in PicturesToExe v4.48

For any your project PTE creates EXE file with this name in temp folder of Windows.

Probably because of this your firewall mistakenly reacts on changing of this file?

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Thx Igor

It didn't make any sense for PTE to be communicating to any network.

I will send you by private e-mail a screen shot of the log entries

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Hi Jim,

I appreciate what Igor has advised you ~ however,within the past few days a few really bad "Nasties" have attacked PC's in Canada,USA and Europe. Firewalls offer no defence to these new 'Coolweb/Trojans' which latch on to Dll's within the Windows OP System and then activate a target Exe. in an attempt to communicate back on to the Web ~ enough said.

To confirm one way or another whether you have been attacked, download and run a program called "Spybot" ~ its specially designed to detect these things.

If you are clear,then its a PC or Firewall issue - if not,then Spybot will trap it and hopefully remove it.


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Hi Jim,

I appreciate what Igor has advised you ~ however,within the past few days a few really bad "Nasties" have attacked PC's in Canada,USA and Europe.

To confirm one way or another whether you have been attacked, download and run a program called "Spybot" ~ its specially designed to detect these things.


Thanks Brian

This issue has been happening intermittenetly for a while, but moreso today. But I will certainly give SPYBOT a try

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