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OK I'm new to the game, but I can't seem to find any help facility anywhere. I have the HELP drop down menu but it has no contents whatsoever. Did I do something wrong when I downloaded my new (registered) copy yesterday? Or am I missing a trick here?

I really want to know things like whether I can run a preview of my slideshow from part-way through, rather than always having to start at the beginning and things like that....

Also, I really need to be able to save my slideshow onto a CD which autoruns in my DVD player - I understand that a release will come out enabling us to do that, but I don't know when that will be... Are there any ways that I can do this in the meantime...?

Hopeful of a response. Nicky



welcome to the forum

lets see if we cam get the help file workin first

the program must be in a folder by it self for the help file to work

example of where my original program is

C:\Program Files\PicturesToExe

does your's have the same path ?



Hi Nicky,

I have just checked my Help file and the USER MANUAL is not there, probably because it is a BETA version. However there is a guide to creating DVDs.

Look in the forum for some of the independent tutorials and download those.

You could also download there most up-to-date Version 4 in which there will be a User manual albeit that the new features in Version5#6 will not be there. Your version 5 key will also work with version 4.



sorry Dave but my ver 5 beta 6 help file works because many moons ago Igor straightened me out re windows protocol

it must not be in a different folder

the previous location that i used as an example is for version 3.65

i have 13 other versions installed on a different drive,all in their own folder so if somebody asks i can go back to the various versions and try to help them out.f

For version 5 Igor has had to change how things are installed due to the new protocol dictated by MS VISTA



Hi fellas

Thanks for that. Decided to download again into new file and, hey presto, it worked! I now have HELP!

Have yet to fathom how to play slideshows on my DVD player - first attempt didn't work... Am I right in thinking that you can load to CD and play in a DVD player or do I have to download the extra programme and burn to DVD. Sorry but being a bit dim here!

Also, still haven't got to the bottom of whether I can start previewing further into my slideshow or if I always have to preview from the start every time.... Any thoughts on this guys?



  Nicky Lomas said:

Hi fellas

Thanks for that. Decided to download again into new file and, hey presto, it worked! I now have HELP!

Have yet to fathom how to play slideshows on my DVD player - first attempt didn't work... Am I right in thinking that you can load to CD and play in a DVD player or do I have to download the extra programme and burn to DVD. Sorry but being a bit dim here!

Hi Nicky,

Wnsoft plan to present PicturesToExe Deluxe soon.

Deluxe edition, besides PicturesToExe, will include module for creating and burning of DVD-Video discs. Including customizable menu and templates. HD-DVD/Blue-Ray support will be added in the future.

To know more, go read this thread.

For instance, you have to use an extra programme to burn the DVD.

  Nicky Lomas said:

Also, still haven't got to the bottom of whether I can start previewing further into my slideshow or if I always have to preview from the start every time.... Any thoughts on this guys?

No problem, you can preview further into your slideshow and don't have to preview it from start every time.

In PTE, intead of clicking the "Preview" button, select a slide in the slide list and click on the icon (kind "slice of toast"), just on right of the preview button. The show will be previewed from the selected slide.

This option is avalaible in the Objects and Animation Window too.

To learn more about PTE v5, I really recommend that you download one of the tutorials avalaible onthis page.

Have fun with PTE ! :)

  Ken Cox said:

sorry Dave but my ver 5 beta 6 help file works because many moons ago Igor straightened me out re windows protocol

it must not be in a different folder



I've got mine in a separate folder and, yes, "help" opens when you click on it. But, there is nothing in there other than "What's new"

Do you have anything different?




did you try the F1 key from the program

my path to ver 5 b6 folder

D:\P2E Shows\v5_b6 proggie PicturesToExe 5

there is a pte.chm in the folder and has the latest faq from June

see screenshot for contents of v5_b6 proggie PicturesToExe 5 folder



  Ken Cox said:


did you try the F1 key from the program

my path to ver 5 b6 folder

D:\P2E Shows\v5_b6 proggie PicturesToExe 5

there is a pte.chm in the folder and has the latest faq from June

see screenshot for contents of v5_b6 proggie PicturesToExe 5 folder


Thanks Ken,

thats clear now, I was just hitting help on the toolbar.


  Ken Cox said:

"hitting help on the toolbar"


do you mean the navbar?


At top left, in to group: File, Project, Slide, View, HELP


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