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Ability to copy O & A activity


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If slide #1 has various pan, zoom, rotate, operations on it, can I copy the annimations to Slide #2? Slide #2 is a different base image than slide #1.

For fear of complicating, here is what I am (in this case) trying to do.

Slide #1 is a full size file from the camera. The desired annimation settings result in a high resolution picture but the pan is not smooth. For slide #2 I would like to simply replace the base slide with a smaller dimension version of slide #1. I thought I could work it by having the same file name but different size file if they are coming from different folders- but now I think not. I would like the project file to be able to run consecutive examples with the same annimations but different base image size - without having to manually set the annimations and key points on each individual slide.

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If slide #1 has various pan, zoom, rotate, operations on it, can I copy the annimations to Slide #2? Slide #2 is a different base image than slide #1.

Yes, you just have to copy and paste the slide and change in the copy the picture file.

Note Hawk explain also a very interesting method to copy and past from one project to another, but I don't remember where it's explained

For fear of complicating...

I haven't all understand, but to do a pan with several pictures, you only have to do only one slide, For the others, you just have to copy and paste and change the name of he file.

Look at the slides 17 to 27 of the template of the test I put there

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Thank you JPD and Hawk. I have successfully used Hawk's copy procedure just last week. Perhaps with the answer from JPD I can combine that with the Hawk copy to accomplish the copy/pasting of the animations to new slides. The re-naming of the pasted slide, as JPD suggests may complete the solution. Now to give it a try.

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OK, for those of you following along at home (if anybody) -

The techniques desribed by JPD and Hawk quite clearly work - but not for what I was trying to do. But working with their methods did lead me to remember the real simple way of what I needed.

My original question:

If slide #1 has various pan, zoom, rotate, operations on it, can I copy the annimations to Slide #2? Slide #2 is a different base image than slide #1.

This is easily accomplished by copy/past of Slide 1 with all the included annimations to be Slide 2. Then in O&A window for Slide 2, properties tab, browse to the desired photo file to use with all the existing annimations, but instead of the base image that had been in Slide 1.

This is so much simpler to do than to even describe. But maybe someone else can benefit from my confusion. Carry on.

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