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Here my problem

- Slideshow with 40 slides (PTE v4.48)

- manual navigation in this slideshow (navigation bar, keyboard or mouse)

For a particular purpose, I want that, when the spectator arrives at slide 20 and that he wants to go further, the slideshow jumps automatically to slide number 40 (the last one).

I only found "Run external application" but I want to stay in the same slideshow.

I don't want buttons with "Go to slide number..." action.... It must be automatic.

Have someone a solution ?


Hi Ken

could you not insert [copy paste]slide 40 between 20 and 21?

or do you want show to end?

No that is not possible.

The show begins with a choice (french or english language)

- If you choose french you jump to slide 21 and arrive to 40 where the slideshow ends.

- If you choose english you go to slide 2, but when you arrive to slide 20 and go further, you will then "navigate" in the french section of slides. That's why I want an automatic jump to the last slide of the show.


WOULD A MENU show work

whereas the first window is

viewer please pick


you would have 2 shows in one -if that is an option- one of our "smart menu guys" should be able to help you formulate the commands



one slide

WOULD A MENU show work whereas the first window is viewer please pick ENGLISH --- FRENCH

you would have 2 shows in one

This solution needs 2 shows to work.

If I want only one show with both languages slides, I must be able to jump automatically to a given slide ... otherwise I have to put buttons to give the spectator a choice (go to last slide or go again to first one).

I find this not very clean. Going automatically to last slide where french and english have choice to restart the show or end it is better.

I don't, as well, use a utility and want to be able to manage all in only slideshow.


Using two shows would solve your problem. You ask the viewer to choose between English and French already. If they choose French then they would see a show composed of your slides 21-40. If they choose English they see a show with 40 slides and that switches to French at slide 21. This requires the build of two shows and redundancy but it would work. Or at least that is how it seems to me. Good luck.



A side from the 2 show suggestions.

If you wish to only have one show, and intend to use the navigation bar.

I wonder if creating your own, navigation bar would do the trick.

On slide #20, the “Next Slide” navigation button would give the “Action” directing to last slide #40. ( No extra buttons required )

You can re-name the navigation buttons and direct anywere in the presentation you wish.

As to "Automatic", I think the only way is with 2 shows.


Thank you to all :)

As I don't want to pack 2 slideshows, I will then use a very basic solution : at slides 20 and 40 (the last slide of the first language slide set and the very last slide of the show), I write "End" and give solution to Quit (escape keystroke) or go again to first slide (Home Key)



As I had already created a small demo to further explain my post. (if you requested)

For the benefit of others and new users interested in this type of presentation ( and to demonstrate the possibilities of PTE ) I have posted my sample (quick!) demo to a web page temporarily for a couple of days. ( Due to limited space )

( files removed Nov 14/06 )

Files are still available - E-mail me from my profile.


As I had already created a small demo to further explain my post. (if you requested)


For the benefit of others and new users interested in this type of presentation ( and to demonstrate the possibilities of PTE ) I have posted my sample (quick!) demo to a web page temporarily for a couple of days. ( Due to limited space )

Hello Hawk

The link doesn't work !

I just uploaded to Bill's web site Beechbrook a very short and concise slideshow (Very first steps with PTE).

It is intended for very beginners with PTE.

Most of them always make the same errors (presence of mouse cursor, random transitions, very long shows, etc...). I did it in english and french and it is why I asked for an automatic slide jump.

I finally did it in a very basic way as you can see with my show.


Hi Ken

... because I didn't install Beta V5 ... too much boring for the time being !

I tranquilly wait the issue of a stable, full functionning and official, definitive v5 :)


Hit the browser "Refresh" button once or twice.

Common "Yahoo Briefcase Problem"

No succes for now.

I will try it tomorrow (midnight in 30 miniutes !)


Hi Ralph

I downloaded your demos this morning.

Your alternative is interesting.

In fact, my first goal was to manage a navigation in my little tutorial only with the keyboard or the mouse buttons (left / previous slide, right button / next slide).

Doing so ... and the "reader" probably will go backwards at his first left mouse click and go to last slide ! If you program left button for Pause, this will be reductory as you have to use both mouse and keyboard to navigate.

In my tuto, mouse buttons are programmed so : left / none, right / next slide and the tuto intended to be handled only by keyboard except for web links (Irfanview or Diapositif web site)

Why mouse or keyboard navigation instead of buttons or a navigation bar ?

Because I find it boring to be mindful of pointing exactly on an arrow or a button... very distracting !

I did it simplier in showing to the "spectator" wich keys to stroke and, when end of show is reached, give him then solutions to Quit or begin at new.

The spectator of course can "accidently" go on the english slide part after the last french slide (as in your alternative) ... but this is however not a great problem :(

For sure 2 slideshows are better but a bit more complicated then only one.

Thank you for your help.

Very sad weather here : cold, windy, grey and rainy :(

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