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Hi everybody!!!

I'm a trial user, and I need to know if the final version can resolve my needs:

Today, I can invoque a .exe presentation from an script in an .html document this way:

function Call()


document.Form.action = "/Presntation/Exes/mypres.exe";



But,... Can I send any parameter like the password to open the file? Something like This:

function Call()


document.Form.action = "/Presntation/Exes/mypres.exe?passw=KEY";



Can I do this? How can I resolve the parameters that I need to do the invocation???

Thanks for the patience,... to all!!


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The final version will have the same features for password as the present version 4.48. Here's a link to a simple 2 image repeating executable with a password protected feature. Try this and if it works in your script then the final version will also work. The password is "buster".....



Hi everybody!!!

I'm a trial user, and I need to know if the final version can resolve my needs:

Today, I can invoque a .exe presentation from an script in an .html document this way:

function Call()


document.Form.action = "/Presntation/Exes/mypres.exe";



But,... Can I send any parameter like the password to open the file? Something like This:

function Call()


document.Form.action = "/Presntation/Exes/mypres.exe?passw=KEY";



Can I do this? How can I resolve the parameters that I need to do the invocation???

Thanks for the patience,... to all!!


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It's lower case - if that isn't the answer, then I don't know because I don't do html scripting or Java scripting.

Best regards,


Thanks Lin!!!

But I only get the "Password required" window.

I do the next:

function Call()


document.Form.action = "/Presntation/Exes/passwortest.exe?password=Buster";



It simply ignore the parameter "buster". Finally I have to type it manually.

Any idea???

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But,... Can I send any parameter like the password to open the file? Something like This:

function Call()


document.Form.action = "/Presntation/Exes/mypres.exe?passw=KEY";



Hi, Tiago,

Welcome to PTE.

Right now the only "command-line" instruction you can send to PTE is the starting slide number. The password protection in PTE is available once the program starts. So, if you used your script to start PTE, I see no reason why you could not then enter a password once the program started, the same way as anyone else would when running the program "normally". You would have to try it though, to find out for sure.

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Hi, Tiago,

Welcome to PTE.

Right now the only "command-line" instruction you can send to PTE is the starting slide number. The password protection in PTE is available once the program starts. So, if you used your script to start PTE, I see no reason why you could not then enter a password once the program started, the same way as anyone else would when running the program "normally". You would have to try it though, to find out for sure.

Thanks Al!!!

My reason it's a little crazy,... yes, I admit it,.. but just simple.

Supose that you develop a site. This site have pages with links to PTE's but, you want to handle differents authorization levels by password protection.

For authorized users, the PTE starts directly (whithout user knowdeledge of passwords).

For unauthorized users, the PTE can´t be viewed (inside or outside the page).

This way, you have the access control to your PTE'S through html pages. Hidding the password in the java scripts, and encodding its.

it's seem reasonable???

Ja ja!!! Don't have affraid to tell me no!!!

But I have two examples: EXE's making with Winzip or Winrar. You can open its using the program, or using a "command-line" sentence.

Really,... thanks very mutch to all for the comments!!!

(Sorry for my english)


Buenos Aires - Argentina

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Your idea is great, and would be very useful. The main problem right now is that, although PTE can be "run" from a website, it must fully downloaded onto the viewer's pc before it starts to run, which means that the viewer now has a copy of it on his or her pc, and can then do whatever he or she wants, including use a password to watch the show. The best way to set it up on a website might be to render it to video format and create an "avi" or "flash" version, which could then be "streamed" from the web server along with password control the way you describe it.

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Your idea is great, and would be very useful. The main problem right now is that, although PTE can be "run" from a website, it must fully downloaded onto the viewer's pc before it starts to run, which means that the viewer now has a copy of it on his or her pc, and can then do whatever he or she wants, including use a password to watch the show. The best way to set it up on a website might be to render it to video format and create an "avi" or "flash" version, which could then be "streamed" from the web server along with password control the way you describe it.


Al,... I´m totally agree with you about the best way to use it in a web site.

Even that, still seems to me very useful the idea to have a "comand-line" sentence in an exe file. Now supose that you want to create a demo in CD,... you don't need to have, servers, databases, dll's (like avi, flash, powerpoint, etc) to handle complete functionallity in a good presentation combined with html documents,... and simple, and fast, and... at last,... so easy.

Don't you think?

Again, Thanks for all!!!


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I was under the impression, perhaps falsely, that you wanted to open PTE through a command line instruction from another program.

However, you last note seems to indicate a need for a command line capability within PTE, in order to open flash, etc. There is already a capability to open other programs like avi's, flash, notepad, MS Word, html, etc., automatically from PTE whenever a certain slide comes up, but not the capability to give that instruction a further "command-line" parameter. Also, one of the problems now in having "avi's" open from within PTE, for example, is that there is no way to close them after they have finished their task.

I agree that in some instances this capability would be useful. However, not all of these programs will accept a command line instruction in their initialization, either.

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I was under the impression, perhaps falsely, that you wanted to open PTE through a command line instruction from another program.

However, you last note seems to indicate a need for a command line capability within PTE, in order to open flash, etc. There is already a capability to open other programs like avi's, flash, notepad, MS Word, html, etc., automatically from PTE whenever a certain slide comes up, but not the capability to give that instruction a further "command-line" parameter. Also, one of the problems now in having "avi's" open from within PTE, for example, is that there is no way to close them after they have finished their task.

I agree that in some instances this capability would be useful. However, not all of these programs will accept a command line instruction in their initialization, either.


Al,... your impression was right!!! At this time, my most wanted capability in a PTE is that: open the PTE through a comand line instruction from javascritpt embeded in a html page.

But my english it's no so good!!! Sorry for that!!!

I know that the PTE can open other files (only if you have the program installed). I wasn´t talking to open others aplications with parameters in a "command-line" sentence,... but,... hey!,... it seems to me a great idea too.

Yes, I know that some other programs (not all) can´t accept parameters right now,... but that it's a limitation of other programs. Thats, preciselly, it's why I can't use other programs.

The capability to run a just simply exe file (without previous installation), and accept parameters in the invocation (like password u others),... and even more,... invoque other files (html's with javascript, .zip, .rar) with parameters,... can be a unique and powerfull capability of PTE.

Well,... by the moment,... I'll have to find another way to do that,... or another product.

Thanks a lot for your time, and for your help!!!


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