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Help with Slideshow autorun


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I have saved in notepad as autrun.inf








neither of them are working and i dont know what to do. I am burning both of them to a cd--is there a certain program I have to use to burn them--I cant figure this out.


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Hi nct welcome to the forum

I use a freeware app called ShelExec available here http://www.naughter.com/shelexec.html copy this to the root of your CD and create an autorun inf like this


open=ShelExec.exe What to run.exe

save this into the root of your cd also substituting your own exe for what to run.exe I produced a multi show CD earlier this year which was duplicated 500 times for our camera clubs national exhibition and not one failed to run. hope this is of some help



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I have saved in notepad as autrun.inf








neither of them are working and i dont know what to do. I am burning both of them to a cd--is there a certain program I have to use to burn them--I cant figure this out.

I presume you mean "autorun.inf" ??

I don't see any difference between the two versions you provided.

I also presume you named the show you are burning, slideshow.exe". Also, don't forget to include your slideshow.exe on the cd with the other files.

If your slideshow has a different name from the one you mentioned, make sure there are no spaces in the name. If there are, be sure to put quotation marks around it.

Most of the burning programs available today are satisfactory in putting your files onto a cd.

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I donĀ“t know very much, but in autorun.inf

the icon=xxxx.ico

not icon=xxx.exe

Sorry, icon=xxxx.exe is legitimate - it tells the cd to take the icon from the exe file.

I might point out, however, that this icon line is optional - it doesn't need to be used if one doesn't need to have the cd show up with a specific icon.

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Just download "Autorun Wizard" from RJL Software ~ Its a very nice, small tidy Program

that does a lot more than the scripted 'Notepad.inf' approach. It's also very reliable.

Click Link below:-



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I second Brian's suggestion - it's definitely worth the small amount of money involved. It's what I turned to when I was having trouble with my Win XP system recognizing the CD's as "autorun" with just the "inf" script installed.

However, lately, both of my pc's seem to behave OK when I insert a disk with the "autorun.inf" instruction included.

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