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Help Porvavor!!! Please!!!

But in English please!!

Doing a presentation for my church and it is formated manually where I use the navagation bar to go to next slde and previous (if I have to go back) I have music playing in background and I will have to pause (of which I have the pause on with the navagation bar)

When I pause it has no effect like NO Pause

Is this possible to do? When I pause I play a video interview and then I continue with the slide show and then pause for two more interviews.

I want the music to pause but no effect.

I hope this is clear as in the past I seem to confuse people!!



I have never tried what you are trying, so I might not be of any help. ;)

Is the music "assigned" for the one image "CUSTOMIZE SLIDE > MUSIC " ? or is it set up under PROJECT OPTIONS > MUSIC.

I think you said it is under the latter.

Try it again with the music set up under CUSTOM SLIDE > MUSIC.

No guarantees.

If that does not solve it, I suspect someone will be along shortly with a more informative answer.


Jim is right, Harry. By using the "Pause" button (or "Pause" key on the keyboard) you stop pictures, but NOT music.

Also by customizing slides, there is no way to restart a music (the same, or another).

The only way I can see to solve your problem is to make two (or three, or more) separate presentations, and start each when it's necessary.


I think in next release Igor will make it possible with synchronized sound.


No custom sync just slides manually with navagation bar to manually advance slides forward.

I wanted to have music and I have music by using the music tab.

That works fine but I guess you can not pause music.

I tried using the other methods (2) but one works for each slide only.

The other method I have never had success in.

You see I am doing this manually because I am using a video tape interview of a few people identified in the slide presentation.

When I get to the first name I wanted to pause and play the video and when video is finished advance to the next slide.

Sorry about confusing the above!! Not good at explanning myself and the directions that come with p2e are well not the greatest.



Ok Harry, I see what you mean. One additional thought - you might simply play a music cd in your computer or an mp3 file with your pc player WITHOUT the music being part of the PTE show. You might then be able to quickly pause the show and separately pause the music. You could warm up by juggling anything handy just before the lights are dimmed. ;)

By the way, no need to apologize for not explaining yourself. You do fine. Besides that, you have succeeded in making a business out of this stuff. Many of us just talk a lot and please ourselves with the shows we make.



What I decided to do is use music regardless of it not pausing. I figured anyway when you are doing this manually how can the music pause anyway.

But that's ok. When I get to the text " And now lets see what Carla says about the Home study course " I hit play on the vcr and it overrides the presentation on the screen. When the video is finished I go back to the presentation.

;) My other presentation is fully automatic and uses a star constellation background. It is actually (automated) but I don't know how to really do this with pte. I use fades only. The music is "Galexy" and reall intense.


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