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Hi! All,

Please can anybody help?, I am looking for some screen recording software(for video tutorials and the like), unfortunatly I don't have any experience in this field but I know you knowledgable lot will have the ansewers, I have read posts and seen tutorials done by..Dom,Lin and ronniew, I would like to hear their recommendations,also would you please recommend a codec that will run the presentation on most computers, I await your replies with cheque book at the ready.


Hi! All,

Please can anybody help?, I am looking for some screen recording software(for video tutorials and the like), unfortunatly I don't have any experience in this field but I know you knowledgable lot will have the ansewers, I have read posts and seen tutorials done by..Dom,Lin and ronniew, I would like to hear their recommendations,also would you please recommend a codec that will run the presentation on most computers, I await your replies with cheque book at the ready.


There was quite a bit of discussion on this a while ago. Check out this thread:

http://www.picturestoexe.com/forums/index....rding&st=20 .


My thanks to Roger and Al,

I have downloaded a trial version of Camtasia Studio and am trying to get on terms with it, the little bits that I have recorded have very small file sizes,just what the doctor ordered, thanks once again.



Ron, you say "Yes it is expensive but the best always is." Not always - how about PTE? :D:D:D:D

Ron [uK]



I have downloaded a trial version but couldn't get to terms with it, I couldn't get it to play back in full screen mode, the video and sound controls were always visible, it's probably just me as I don't know the software but I also downloaded a copy of screen recorder (£14 after trial) and came to grips with it right away.

It records to avi and I have imported them to DVD builder in P2e delux and made dvd's.

Just what the doctor ordered.


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