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I have downloaded the latest beta of PTE and am having a problem converting a show to DVD.

I did a show of my youngest sons wedding and converted it to DVD to watch on the TV. No problem everything was fine except when I watched it I saw a couple of things I wanted to alter, so I changed them and went to re do the DVD, but I got an application error. I tried three times but could not get it to record to DVD. What I got was the following when the burning got to VOB files multiplexing.

The instruction at "0x10065508" referenced memory at "0x007300BD" The memory could not be "read"

Author window :Author.EXE - application error.

The program then shut down.

I don't know why it should work fine and then not, I will have to re install the last beta (Which I did).

I don't like to be beaten but I think this has managed to beat me!!!

Any answers?

I posted the above on Barry Beckham's site and Barry kindly tried to record to DVD with my show which he did and had no problem. Barry suggested a couple of things which I did but still no luck. I have tried to record another of my shows to DVD but still the recording stops at exactly the same spot every time. Has anyone else had this problem ? Or is it just me?

Hope someone can help



I can't believe that 166 people have viewed this post and no one else seems to have had this problem. I received an e-mail today from someone on the Beckham site who has just downloaded the latest version of PTE and he has had exactly the same problem as me at exactly the same time in writing to DVD. I am glad that I am not completely on my own!


Hi folks

Yes, I'm the other English guy RoyW was talking about. Beta 8A newly downloaded this morning, sat for 1½ hours while a 4' 54" show rendered and then got word for word the same message as Roy. Pro Show Gold doesn't give that problem (it just gives vastly inferior quality images instead) which is why I want PTE to stay my programme of choice.

Looking forward to developments

Best Regards


  Phil Weston said:

Hi folks

Yes, I'm the other English guy RoyW was talking about. Beta 8A newly downloaded this morning, sat for 1½ hours while a 4' 54" show rendered and then got word for word the same message as Roy. Pro Show Gold doesn't give that problem (it just gives vastly inferior quality images instead) which is why I want PTE to stay my programme of choice.

Looking forward to developments

Best Regards


Also did a show to DVD this week and found the quality to go down. I thought it might be compression. I used Pinnacle and Ulead DVD Movie Factory and PTE. Al give the same results.

Bur overall the new version should qualify for some award somewhere. Nobel Prize? It is a work of art.

  RoyW said:

I can't believe that 166 people have viewed this post and no one else seems to have had this problem. I received an e-mail today from someone on the Beckham site who has just downloaded the latest version of PTE and he has had exactly the same problem as me at exactly the same time in writing to DVD. I am glad that I am not completely on my own!

One of the extraordinary factors with PTE is that Igor takes a problem for one person as seriously as a problem reported by many! On the other hand, it sort of comforts us each when we can think our problem is not just "user error." :)


Thank you, Roy! We reproduced this bug on our PC. This problem will be fixed in the next beta.

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