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Ok Craig, I can now verify it. I had to go back and actually do it again - to verify it for you AND for me. I am using three RCA type plugs: left audio, right audio, video into the VCR. These come from the TV out of my pc, and the two audios from the sound card.

I normally have it set up for showing PTE shows on the TV when the audience can view easier than on the computer screen. Of course the picture quality is less than on the PC monitor. I did just now make a VHS tape of

Mike's (Lloegyr) great Fields of Fire pte show. The quality on VHS tape is same (to my eyes) as when I view the PC run show direct on the same TV.


Thanks Lumenlux. That's just what I needed to hear. Guess I'm going to be looking for another video card soon, with the proper jacks. This will be a great option for the people that don't yet have computers at home, which in my area, are quite numerous.

Thanks again,



Craig, just make sure the card you buy will do what you want. The card I am using is very old. I have not kept up with the many graphics and video options now available. The terminology can often be misleading. Also, you may want to look at all the other options that may be available for future video type handling. Firewire, USB2, and who knows what. You probably already know all about the new goodies and just needed this PTE/VHS excuse to go buy a new toy anyway. :( ?

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