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I need your help.

I've just started using P2E and ahve downloaded a couple of presentations from beechbrook, these have the extension P2E, I have tried to rename the files to have a .exe extension, although the file name changes the file type, (when viewed in explorer) remains P2E.

I'm using win XP Pro.

Am I doing something silly?



Welcome hotmetal,

We are both missing a piece to this puzzle?

My best guess is as follows:

  • Make certain the downloaded files should be .exe and not .zip
I have tried to rename the files to have a .exe extension, although the file name changes the file type, (when viewed in explorer) remains P2E.
Possibly the explore screen needed a refresh because you renamed the files elsewhere.
Rename the files using "explore" by right clicking on start button and clicking "explore" to open, find the file location, highlight the file name, right click and select rename. Now the mystery begins. Will the name change?

You probably did all of the above and have reaffirmed why I have avoided a new computer with XP. :( I have not used XP, it may have another set of rules from win98.

Good Luck,


Alan, did it work yet for you? I dl'd a p2e file from Beechbrook now to try on this XP machine. The re-name procedure described above, worked just fine. Maybe, you are ending up somehow with "show.exe.p2e " ? When, using this xp pc, I replace .p2e of the name with .exe, the file type column immediately changed to show the type as "application." I suspect there is a folders/files setting in your xp setup that needs to be changed to allow your xp setup to change it as mine did. I bet Bart (& others) could jump in here and tell you exactly how to do it.


The files have an extension of .p2e so as to fool some virus checkers that won't allow downloads of .exe files. It became a practice even when using zip files.

To change the .p2e to .exe go to EXPLORE >TOOLS > FOLDER OPTIONS >VIEW and click off "hide file extensions for known file types"

Then you can click on RENAME and change the file name from "name.p2e" to "name.exe"

I have WinMe so the terminology might not be the same, but the route should be similar (I hope)


Hi Jim, (JRR)

Thanks for the reply regarding renaming files, it worked like a dream.


Hotmetal and Fisherman

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