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Hi Folks,

We have an old saying "there's more than one way to skin a cat" whch means essentially that there are many ways to achieve the same end.

This second installment of Flash Tutorials on Making Snow for P2E slideshows concerns using a different filter, the "texture" tool and the "grain" effect. Fast, easy and flexible, it's another way to create a PNG file with yet a different texture and feel for the snow.


This about 13 meg - requires Flash 8 or better

Best regards,



Hi Lin,

I haven't actually tried this yet, but I saw your demo in another post. It was great! What I really expected to happen was as the snow increased, that the drifts on the ground and tractor and fence would actually get bigger. :blink: I'm sure it's possible with some before and after shots, or some creative PS-ing.

Just throwing down the gauntlet for you creative types... anything is possible with PTE 5! Hey, should that be the new motto? ;)


Unfortunately I cannot view your tutorials. In Irfanview I get a black screen with voice over. I noted that it requires Flash 8 or better but at £200 (UK) plus that is prohibitive as far as I am concerned.


Ron [uK]


Hi Ron you need to download and install the .swf plugin from Irfanview's web site the you can view the tutorials OK





get yourself the free

globfx plugin

it has controls etc


FREE Version 1.1

For Windows 98/ME - Windows NT4/2000/XP

Swiff Player is a FREE stand-alone player that enables Flash users to quickly play their Flash movies. Swiff Player offers a variety of playback capabilities.


it is my default swf player for off web swf's shows


Hi Lin,

I haven't actually tried this yet, but I saw your demo in another post. It was great! What I really expected to happen was as the snow increased, that the drifts on the ground and tractor and fence would actually get bigger. :blink: I'm sure it's possible with some before and after shots, or some creative PS-ing.

Just throwing down the gauntlet for you creative types... anything is possible with PTE 5! Hey, should that be the new motto? ;)

Hi Ron,

As others have noted, you need the latest plugins from Irfanview. Actually I would suggest downloading the latest version of Irfanview (free) and also the plugins.

You really only need the Flash 9 player which is free from Adobe (Macromedia) to view a Flash show. You can download and install it in just a few seconds. It wouldn't hurt to have both the Irfanview plugins set as well as the free Flash 9 player from Adobe.

Best regards,



Thanks everyone :D That was quick. Everything now working satisfactorily.

Ron [uK]

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