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For some reason frames four and five replay themselves (twice) when viewing either the Preview mode or the finished show, but the glitch is not showing in the Customize Synchronization window when hitting the view button.

Anyone any ideas on how to fix this?

Thanks again,



On the synch time line, see if those problem slides are overlapping. The underside of the time line shows a gray line which represents the transition time for each slide. If those gray lines overlap or even nearly touch, move one of the transition points to give a little room and see if that does it.


I have often the same problems - only in automatic sync-mode -. And there is no overlapping. Often posted in this forum. But I didn´t find the error.


  LumenLux said:
On the synch time line, see if those problem slides are overlapping. The underside of the time line shows a gray line which represents the transition time for each slide. If those gray lines overlap or even nearly touch, move one of the transition points to give a little room and see if that does it.

That got it there was just a tiny overlap.

Thanks again :D


  • 3 weeks later...

Although the glitches, hick-ups or repeat frames are gone when playing the slide show on my machine from the HD or a CD, they are present on other peoples machines who are playing the show from a CD even those who are also running XP.

Any suggestions on what may cause this problem?





CDRom driven Shows wont match the Hard Drive driven Shows ... its has alot to do with read speed and transfer data rates . Also depending on type of CDR Disc used ( X speed capabilities) and the CDRom (X speed to read capabilities)

Any program ... especially multimedia types ... run much differently (slower) from CD than when played directly from your PC. So whether you have a P4 or P2 etc ... your initial bottle -neck becomes the CDRom and CDR Discs capabilities. So in a basic analogy example ( a 200mph PC can not make a 50mph CD play at 200mph)

Your only alternative is to copy the Show to the HARD DRIVE for playing or you might try relaxing your PTE Shows transistion and frame timing to something less demanding. Even then, you can not be assured of everyone playing your Show from the CD has the same results ... as there are so many various combinations of PC, CDRom, CD Disc speeds ( and thats just the beginning of what effects the issue)

Any program ... especially multimedia types ... run much differently (slower) from CD than when played directly from your PC.

Try "TempCD" utility. Just made it now after reading this. I will post all about it in a new topic.


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