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I have started using a Spyder device to calibrate my CRT monitor. There is a difference in that pre calibration is brighter and cooler in appearance. When looking at recent V5 PtE sequences I have noticed that just prior to the sequence starting the background white of the folder containing the exe files brightens to the pre-cal state for a fraction of a second. When the sequence ends, the screen reverts to the post cal condition, however if I abort the sequence, the final slide sometimes shows a momentary darkening, though sometimes the screen reverts to the pre-cal status.

I have not noticed this with V4 sequences. I am concerned as to whether the new driver in V5 takes into account any screen calibration factors from such as the Spyder or for that matter Adobe Gamma.


for starters



also see


post # 84

Igor is going to need details re your graphic board and general computer specs


Hi Ken,

Just as a passing note ~ Many of the older and newer semi-pro "Hi-Resolution Monitors" have inbuilt 'Colour Calibrators' for RGB and sRGB as well as Colour Bias Settings and Brightness/Contrast settings.

These also have display panels giving 'Recommendation Settings' for various types of work such as Web-Settings, Graphic-Art Settings and Slideshow Settings. This means that they have internal Firmware which monitors the relevant optical display performance of the VDU.

In our Workshops we have a number of (older) 'ProNitron 21/800s' which were designed for Graphic Artwork. If I attempt to use an 'imported' Software Package to change the characteristics of the internal Firmware ~ that would work for my current session ~ but on Reboot the Monitor reverts to its Factory Program. Sometimes that has driven me mad, but on reflection when I see the final presentation, the Monitor always gives superior results to what I had asked it to do in the first place !!

This may help a few people by virtue of the fact that they may have such a Monitor and simply don't know how to set it up correctly ~ consequently that type of Monitor will always over-ride imported Software.


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