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When I generate a .exe file with P2E rel. 4.48, the .exe file does not has the nice P2E slideshow icon any more. Windows XP seems not be able to retrieve the 32*32 icon when listing the .exe in a directory. I was neither able to make an added own (32*32) icon visible in Windows XP. This problem is easy to see and I was wondering somebody knows a solution for this.

Best regards,



Hi peter,

Check in your project options main screen to see if you have "use own icon"checked. You may be asking it to display an icon thats not there so windows will default,




No, the option "use own icon" is not checked.

May I conclude from your mail that you do not see the issue that I reported ?



Hi peter,

Check in your project options main screen to see if you have "use own icon"checked. You may be asking it to display an icon thats not there so windows will default,




I still see the usual icon for each of my PTE executible files, not only pre-4.48, but also for v.4.48 and v.5. Must have something to do with your Windows setup.




I attached my .pte file. Do you see something wrong in my settings ?




I still see the usual icon for each of my PTE executible files, not only pre-4.48, but also for v.4.48 and v.5. Must have something to do with your Windows setup.


I could not upload the pte file in previous reply, but with this there is an attachment of the icon and an attachment of the pte project options main tab.



send a screen shot of what you have for an icon

same as Al sent one of the standard icon






When you see the Windows Icon below it means that Windows can't find the origional 'Pte Program Icon' and in default it has provided a workable systems Icon for you to use.

Most Program Icons are simple 'executable-shortcuts' to a Main Program - executable means that it will open that Program on command, viz~ the Icon.

There are a number of reasons that Window looses that connectivity:-

a) You tried to make your own Icon without success, happens all the time !

B) You moved the Program from an origional Folder to another Folder or Sub-Folder.

c) You moved the Program to another sector within a partioned Disc.

d) You burnt the Program to a CD-Disc without specifying a default Icon.

e) Simple plain corruption of the Program.

The simplest way around this is to re-load Pte from its downloaded Exe (it should be on your HD,do a Search) or alternatively re-load from Pictures to Exe.

Hope this helps,




Thanks all for the help.

As you reported the regular pte icon being present on your slideshow executables, I reduced for test the size of the .exe file by deleting some pictures. The original .exe was about 695 Mbyte and apparently reading it takes too long for Windows XP to retrieve and show the icon. A smaller pte .exe (300 Mbyte) with the same P2E configuration does show the regular P2E icon.

Best regards,



When you see the Windows Icon below it means that Windows can't find the origional 'Pte Program Icon' and in default it has provided a workable systems Icon for you to use.

Most Program Icons are simple 'executable-shortcuts' to a Main Program - executable means that it will open that Program on command, viz~ the Icon.

There are a number of reasons that Window looses that connectivity:-

a) You tried to make your own Icon without success, happens all the time !

B) You moved the Program from an origional Folder to another Folder or Sub-Folder.

c) You moved the Program to another sector within a partioned Disc.

d) You burnt the Program to a CD-Disc without specifying a default Icon.

e) Simple plain corruption of the Program.

The simplest way around this is to re-load Pte from its downloaded Exe (it should be on your HD,do a Search) or alternatively re-load from Pictures to Exe.

Hope this helps,


A smaller pte .exe (300 Mbyte) with the same P2E configuration does show the regular P2E icon.


Glad you got it sorted out.

By the way, how many images are you showing in your sequence? It seems like a very large file, and could probably be cut back by using smaller images.

Also, what type of music are you using? "Wave" files are much larger than "mp3" files, and don't really add much in the way of quality.



This slideshow contains 231 pictures. I do not bairgain on the picture quality and size as long as the whole P2E show fits on a CD. I know that the resolution is way over what is required for a decent screen presentation, but most PC handle the resizing without any problem and in fact it saves me the time to do the picture resizing after all pictures are finetuned (framing, sharpening, color cast, perspective correction ...) More, I keep the original high quality pictures for other use like printing ... Concerning music addition : I always use the MP3 music file format. In this paticular show, I added no music.



Glad you got it sorted out.

By the way, how many images are you showing in your sequence? It seems like a very large file, and could probably be cut back by using smaller images.

Also, what type of music are you using? "Wave" files are much larger than "mp3" files, and don't really add much in the way of quality.


Hi Peter,

I have just read the Forum Post this morning ~ I see you solved the problem ~ Well that's one for the "Books" but it comes as no surprise as in the past I had observed that both XP and 2000 don't like contineous Exe.Files much above +400mB even on PCs with massive RAM and Virtual Memory.

I have seen this irrespective of what type of Exe they are processing, I put this down to an Operating Systems Quirk which we have failed to find, but it seems to point in the direction of Processor Cache limitations.

This came to light with us when we used to Download and 'Burn' large contineous Data Files using the latest Nero Utilities this despite 'buffer-overflow protection' on our A-Open CD Burner(s).

Now we use multi-session in blocks not exceeding 250mB per contineous block burn, now we have no problems.

It's a rare phenomenon but still a mystery ?


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