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O & A "center" parameter


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The "center" function is used to centre an object over the underlying image or other object. Useful if you have been dragging and dropping an object, and then want a quick way to re-centre it.

Re the blanks, who knows what new goodies Igor has in store for us?? B)

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Does anybody know what the "center" parameter is for, in the O & A window ?

Can it do anything more than the "pan" function ?

The "center" parameter is particularly useful if combined with the rotation parameter.

If you move the center of an object and apply a rotation to this object, it will rotate "around" the new centre you have set.

To see an example, you can see the "clock demo":


And - what are the blank fields for, under each of the pan, zoom and rotate functions ?

This blank fields are left for an option Igor will implement in beta #10 or #11.

You will have the ability to set this option to something like "linear", "accelerate", "deccelerate" for pan, zoom & rotate.

Igor call it "Adjusting of speeds".

It will be very very useful. :)

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I was off on a bit of a tangent with my reply - I was referring to the option "Put to center" which you will find in the menu window if you right-click on an object.

Dom more-correctly answered your specific question about the "center" text box in O&A. :) As he indicated, this allows you to type in a value and move the centre of an object so that it will rotate around a different point. If the object is highlighted, you can also grab the centre point with the mouse and move it to where you want it. Then, if you wish, you can select "put to center" to restore it back to the centre of the object.

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I was off on a bit of a tangent with my reply - I was referring to the option "Put to center" which you will find in the menu window if you right-click on an object.

Dom more-correctly answered your specific question about the "center" text box in O&A. :) As he indicated, this allows you to type in a value and move the centre of an object so that it will rotate around a different point. If the object is highlighted, you can also grab the centre point with the mouse and move it to where you want it. Then, if you wish, you can select "put to center" to restore it back to the centre of the object.

Thank you Al,

I have not played around with the rotation feature yet, but when I do I'll try to keep that in mind.

There are quite a number of bells and whistles in PTE, and I must say that it is not easy to overcome the learning threshold for a beginner ... But having seen what can be done with PTE makes the effort worthwhile.


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