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I'm sure that we could cut and paste across from one show to another previously, provided we kept the two shows open.

I have been trying unsuccessfully to take a series of images across from one show to another in version 5 :huh: but it just won't let me do it. :(

Is this not implemented in some way in v5 ?

Thanks in advance.




It should work, if you copy some slide(s), then open another slide show and paste copied slides (Ctrl-V).

p.s. Concerning copying of objects in the editor.

I'll make copying of objects via clipboard in v5.00



I'm sure that we could cut and paste across from one show to another previously, provided we kept the two shows open.

I have been trying unsuccessfully to take a series of images across from one show to another in version 5 :huh: but it just won't let me do it. :(

Is this not implemented in some way in v5 ?

Thanks in advance.



Hawk found an easy method to copy (or cut) from one slideshow to another. You open the project where there are slides or objects to copy, then with the same sequence of PTE you open the project where you want to paste, when it's open instead of the last one, you just have to copy where you want. It's very usefull.



Many Thanks for the replies.

I have two sequences and want to combine them.

Have both open, they are both PTE v5 beta8u

Tried cut and paste single slide (won't work)

Also tried a block of slides.

Have been trying for several days now and thought I was doing something wrong. :blink:

Is this because they have the objects & animation effects or maybe because there are png files involved?

No....... just tried with an ordinary image and did a right click copy, cross to the other show and still can't paste it in.

Will just have to redo the second group of slides in the sequence and put it in individually onto the first show I think.

Cannot sort out what I am doing wrong :( - followed Hawk's instructions from day1.

Thanks for your help. Really appreciate your hard work Folks.

JPD - get lots of sleep we need you well rested :D

Love Maureen



Many Many Thanks & lots of hugs !

You've cracked it ! :D

I had two PTE sessions open (one on each monitor).

So following your advice about only having ONE session of PTE open...........

I opened the second sequence in the same window as the first .

I must admit I was worried it would close the other sequence and I'd lose the info.

I copied the slide -

went up to file/open recent..

brought back up the other slideshow

and YES it pasted it in complete with the objects and animations. :D

I had to redo only the length of time the slide was to be displayed for.

All now works like a dream and I will go on to do others with groups of slides later !

Can't thank you enough! :D

Love Maureen

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