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animation within frame


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I'm hurting my poor brain trying to animate an image inside the image of a picture frame. I've tried all sorts of ideas but conclude that there is no way to get the animated image behind the picture frame.

Put me out of my frustration ple.....ase. :huh:


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Right-click on the picture-frame object in the Object List, and select "Order / Bring to front". Also, make sure that the "parent" object of the picture-frame, if any, is in front of other objects at the same level as that would take priority over any ordering of child objects. If this is not clear, please let me know and I will put together an example. Or, email me your pte project file, with no objects or music, and I'll rearrange things and send it back to you. (alrobin @ alrobinson.com) :)

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Just one addition to Al's suggestions. Be sure you have the picture frame constructed as a PNG file with the area to be occupied by the pictures transparent.

In case you haven't done this before - if you use Photoshop first determine the pixel dimensions of the frame then "Edit" "Copy" a picture frame image then do "File" "New" - set the background to "Transparent" the type to 8 bit color RGB and be sure the size is identical to the picture frame dimensions then "Edit" "Paste" the picture frame over the transparency. Next use the Eraser with the opacity set to 100% and the flow to 100% and carefully erase the area where you want the picture to appear.

Than as Al explained, put the Frame on the forward level and the image to appear on the frame behind. Then you can animate the image within the frame.



I'm hurting my poor brain trying to animate an image inside the image of a picture frame. I've tried all sorts of ideas but conclude that there is no way to get the animated image behind the picture frame.

Put me out of my frustration ple.....ase. :huh:


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In case you haven't done this before - if you use Photoshop first determine the pixel dimensions of the frame then "Edit" "Copy" a picture frame image then do "File" "New" - set the background to "Transparent" the type to 8 bit color RGB and be sure the size is identical to the picture frame dimensions then "Edit" "Paste" the picture frame over the transparency. Next use the Eraser with the opacity set to 100% and the flow to 100% and carefully erase the area where you want the picture to appear.



Dare I be so bold as to suggest an additive to Lin’s explanation:- you could (in Photoshop) use the polygonal Lasso tool to make a perfect selection inside your frame, then hit the delete key, this will expose the transparent layer beneath giving you a perfect edged frame interior.


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Hi you guys

Poor brain now considerably restored to some degree of sanity. ;) Thanks a lot. I'll "play" for a day or two and find my way round your various suggestions and options.

Thanks again Al, Lin, The Dom and Tomuk. Much appreciated.


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