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Hi Patrick,

Understood - totally. The jokes have all been in good humor and all have been very friendly - not aggressive or hostile at all. One thing I can say with conviction is that everyone on this forum is very understanding and cooperative. We may disagree, but we do so with all due respect for each other's opinions and views.

Best regards,


Lin, that's it !

Writing a few words takes a lot of time as I have to verify each of them.

That's also why I have to make it short ... and of necessity abrupt or without shade of meaning.

Now, replying to all the posts is truly impossible !!!!

Difficulty is increased when some of you reply with jokes I am totally unable to understand : are they friendly ? hostile ? agressive ?

For example :

In first approximation I find this remark truly deprecating for me. I am unsure and if I reply abruptly I will perhaps do a mistake.

Now imagine I have to shell (husk ?) all the posts !!!!!!!!!!

For those who have difficulties to write english it is best to hush .... particularly if you have each time to read some very epidermic replies, when not patronizing.

roughly estimated time to write this post : 30 min



Next month at the "Cock 'n Bull" - I'll buy the first round! :rolleyes:


OK, here it is - make sure you all show up! :)

(lat:45.325315 deg, lon:-75.825848).



I took time to reread all this thread and 2 personal remarks interpellated me :

Patrick : We are very far from the initial spirit of PTE : a software created to restitute excellent photos, perfectly synchronised with sound and, first and last, very easy to master, even without any user manual.

Alrobin : Since when did you become the authority on the purpose for PTE? This is Igor's program, and only he can tell us what this purpose is....

Sorry, I didn't know that you are THE one who has authority to say if forum members think right or not !

Patrick : Will the V5 be a gasworks ?[/i]

Alrobin : Please explain.

I repeat : most of us have choosen PTE for it's quality of photo rendering, the sound/image synchronisation precision, it's little price and probably, most important, it's fabulous ease to cope with.

What is the problem with v5 ?

Someone who hesitate to use PTE and wants, before going on, have a little idea of the software by reading posts of this forum, will, without any hesitation, loose his illusions to be able to create easily a slideshow with some of the new effects.

Why ? Because he is bombarded with such words as :

- keypoint

- level1, 2, 3 ...

- parent / child

- excel sheet !

- numerous calculations with precision to one pixel

- rotation angle

- transparency : png ? or gif ?

- opacity degree

- processor calculation charge


- DirectX version and settings

- video card upgrade and video memory

- driver upgrade

and so on and so on.....

Now, if he has not run away and if he perseverates and tries to understand some posts (see below. Please don't see personnal attacks to the authors of these few examples)... he will undoubtly have a neuron hernia and a big headhache if he is not a scientist or has no maths licence !

One can object me that none of these effects are compulsory ! What a chance ! .... but the impression that the remainder of the software must be of similar complexity level is persistent.

My post was just a reminder:

PTE was till now a fabulous, very easy to use (even for a complete newbie) software dedicated to image.

The recent testings and the pleasure some are taking to play around mathematics, let us think PTE will be a complicated video mess ... destined for scientists in shortage of a new toy.

As I can establish around me, despite some members denegations, I am far from being alone to think so.

Sorry if there are some translation problems.


Here a few extracts of recent posts ..... I guess that this sounds like chinese for most of us and is not particularily attracting for a futur PTE user !

"Let's take an example. Let's say your monitor measures 15 inches across. Remember that that the horizontal distance must be measured from the resting place (which is the "center" of the sphere) to the final resting place. If the ball were to roll from left to right beginning at the extreme left of the monitor and the diameter of the sphere were 4 inches, then it would actually begin its movement at two inches from the extreme left side of the monitor and finish 2 inches from the extreme right. This subtracts 4 inches from the 15 leaving you with 11 inches. 4 time 3.14159 = 12.5 inches so the ball would need to be less than 4 inches in diameter. So let's say it was two inches in diameter. Then you would have 13 inches to work with and a complete rotation would require 6.283 inches so you would get two complete rotations in 12.566 inches of space to look "normal". Essentially then for a monitor width of 15 inches you could "roll" the ball 720 degrees from edge to edge and it would look about normal."

"I don't know any way to take the Excel output directly into PTE but perhaps its possible to export it as text then cut and paste though I don't sse how this would automatically enter the values in their correct places."

"The 5th view is the same method as several people on this forum used : all the objects are at level 1. I haven't finish this view. Try to finish, you will understand. Without Excel, I was enable to do it correctly !"

"But as soon as you highlight an object in the list, it is the only one you can PZR until you deselect it in the list.

What do you think ?"

"When I click on a sub-object and try to pan it with the mouse, it affects the parent object. "

"You have to make sure you have one of the object's keypoints highlighted too, or you won't be able to "grab" the object. Also, grab it at a spot where there is no other object "in front" of it."

"This arrows change the position of one pixel at each click and as the position is an entire number, it's enough easy to do."

"May be I'll ask to Igor that in the future there is a function to put all the Pan values of selected objects at the nearest entire value in pixel, we will earn much time."

"That is quite amazing! I don't dare include one of those as an intro to a show, however, as everyone would be so taken with the cube that they wouldn't want to watch the show!

Do you first create a bunch of random numbers, prepare a project file from that, and then "create" the executable? I imagine in this case it would be quite a long slideshow (however the re-use of images would keep the file size down). Or, do you somehow incorporate the array itself into PTE? "

"The random cube "bounces" 15 times then repeats itself using a clone factor x5"


Hi Patrick,

Think of PTE version 5 as you would think of Photoshop. It's very, very easy to use Photoshop to make minor changes to a file, to resize, make the image brighter, make different contrast, different hue, different color saturation, etc. It's very easy to use PicturesToExe 5.0 in the same elementary way it has always been used. Nothing has changed there.

But after using Photoshop for over 9 years I am still learning new features and new strengths and how to use these advanced features.

Perhaps many will never use or need the advanced powers of PTE 5.0, but that in no way detracts from what they can already do with version 4.48 and earlier. This earlier simplicity will not go away because version 5.0 will have more capabilities for those who need or want these capabilities. Version 5.0 can be used exactly as earlier versions, but it offers also great power and features for those who wish to take the time to learn how to use it in other ways.

This is truly a win/win situation.

Best regards,


P.S., the explanation of the rolling ball had very little to do with PicturesToExe, but rather explains the geometry of a rolling globe over a flat surface in terms of distance over time. Since PTE allows the user to choose the degree of rotation as well as the distance traveled in a given time period it was just a reminder of how to make an effect look natural by reviewing some elementary geometry. Not higher math or science at all but rather elementary geometry.


I share some of Patricks reservations and can see where he is coming from. This is why on several occasions recently I have been recommending to "newbies" that they should learn v4.48 first before even thinking about v5 - even though others have then overuled my suggestion by telling them to go straight to 5.

In many cases I think 4.48 will be perfectly adequate for most people for a long time to come (it does after all outperform most other products in terms of projection quality). Besides, until we have the full release we don't yet know how the missing 4.48 features will be incorporated (by missing I refer mainly to the old Object Editor functions and the ability to create menu's and chain shows together etc).

I do also fully understand and appreciate Lin's (and others) comments.

PTE 5 will become all things to all AV producers, but as Patrick has alluded to it can be daunting to read some of the explainations of the fantastic effects people are achieving.

Perhaps v4.48 should be rebranded as the "standard" version and 5, when it is released, as the "professional" edition?


Dear Patrick,

You shouldn't worry concerning slide shows vs. technical demos. Please let me explain my opinion on this problem.

Many people want to play and explore new features of v5.00 beta and this reason of many interesting demos and techniques.

I think every painter experiments with various techniques and effects to find new solution for his future great paintings. So I think same thing with PicturesToExe 5.

Barry Beckham's web site, Beechbrook Cottage, Diaporimages.net, Diapositif, our forum, TheDom Sharing Place and many other web sites announce new perfect Audio&Visual works every day.

We have balance between slide shows and demos.

Of course, in perspective it would be wonderful to see more slide shows - Audio & Visual.

Let me explain second problem. Complexity of the program.

We have to add Pan/Zoom effects. Our customers required this feature and we couldn't compete successfully more on the market without Pan/Zoom functions.

If don't open "Objects and Animation" window. PicturesToExe 5 stays so simple as earlier. If you don't use Pan/Zoom effects, you will not worry about hardware requirements and etc. Slide show will work on any PC.

But if you decide to use Pan/Zoom effect we suggest powerful tool - "Objects and animation" window. You can do virtually all according your creative ideas. I on purpose and specially didn't make simple editor like in well known competition program, to prevent appearing of Pan/Zoom effects without any need, just for the fact that Pan/Zoom effects used.

Concerning hardware requirements for Pan/Zoom effects.

I don't know any other product where Pan/Zoom effects plays ideally smooth in real-time. Other good known programs suggest not so sharp picture and have problems with smoothness at 1280x1040 even on ATI Radeon 9600 Pro with 128 MB of video memory. And problems with reliability, crashes.

We spent two years of development to reach maximal reliability, quality and minimally possible hardware requirements for Pan/Zoom.

It's sad that not all video cards enough powerful for such excellent purpose as slide show. But it's a question of nearest future. According this it seems that all potential of PicturesToExe for Pan/Zoom effects will be opened in the future.

I'm very glad that now after releasing of new Windows Vista it requires from any PC (at home and office) modern video cards. It means that in short time all PCs will be upgraded and they will be perfectly play any Pan/Zoom effects very well.

But you can create DVD-Video with any effects right now.

For PCs, you can create two types of slide shows:

- With simple effects - these Audio & Visual will work anythere and you need to care about hardware requirements.

- With Pan/Zoom for modern PCs and video cards.

I believe that v5.00 will be excellent replacement of previous v4.48

Thanks for reading of this.


Thanks Igor. Read and fully understood and appreciated.

Ron [uK]

Thanks Igor. Read and fully understood and appreciated.

Ron [uK]

Very well explained, Igor. Keep up the good work! :)


Hello Igor

Thank you for your clear explanations.

If don't open "Objects and Animation" window. PicturesToExe 5 stays so simple as earlier. If you don't use Pan/Zoom effects, you will not worry about hardware requirements and etc. Slide show will work on any PC.

It is very reassuring that PTE v5 will keep the same ease of use as v4.48 for all the currently available functions.

On the other hand the new effects do not seem to be suited to everybody.... Too bad !


Dear Igor

I understand very well your message and the marketing reasons for this new version .

I think that all members will be happy with it and the new effects.

My surprise is about the processing manner you used .

Usualy, conceptors are working, and summit the result to a pannel of well known voluntary members;

I think that it was before your usual way of work .

This time, you show directly your work evolution to all members . I can understand this way , but here

is the problem : why not to create a new column for this important subject ?

I honnestly think that 90% of PTE users do not have the possibility to well understand or

interest for the mecanic of the new effects.

They expect your solution , your explication about the "to do" and, as still now, will be happy when done .

Since 18 monthes, as said Patrick, the PTE users did not exist ; only beta testers ! No commentary about

new slideshow with the actual version . Each day a new member is surprised to see that the only

discussion subject is the future ....

As a french, I love to go to a good restaurant ; the important is in my plate ..The cooking way

is too difficult for me ! But I say a great "thank you" to the chief if I am happy !

I hope you understand my idea and Patrick's one , and my surprise with the ironic commentaries

of ones .... I cannot say more in english, sorry Igor...

I hope you a good week-end.

As a french, I love to go to a good restaurant ; the important is in my plate ..The cooking way

is too difficult for me ! But I say a great "thank you" to the chief if I am happy !

Hi, Daniel,

I appreciate the way you and Patrick and others feel, even if I may be a little harsh at times. But as Igor has explained, this discussion on the Forum is the only way we beta-testers have of sharing our findings and making suggestions - ultimately, I hope, for the benefit of not only future AV makers, but also for the benefit of Igor who has to keep PTE competitive and make an income.

I think a better analogy than your "French chef" one above would be to compare this activity to one of learning how to use a recipe to cook a meal in one's own home. We are not expecting Igor to cook up some beautiful AV shows for us, and then just sit back and enjoy them. Then, of course, we would not have to know how PTE works.

Au contraire! The work which Igor is doing is giving us the tools for "cooking up" AV's in our own homes, and for that we need to understand the terminology and also how to use all the new special effects in a way which will make the final productions even more effective than they are now. :)

Au contraire! The work which Igor is doing is giving us the tools for "cooking up" AV's in our own homes, and for that we need to understand the terminology and also how to use all the new special effects in a way which will make the final productions even more effective than they are now.

You are right , Alrobin ! Igor is doing the tools .

But, excuse me , if anybody explains me how to use these new tools , I am happy , how I am happy to drive my car within an idea of its construction ...

I have no doubt about the utility of the members collaboration , and I am very admirative of their work !

But, I think that a new column for this subject would be a good idea : the commun users with their ordinary problems and recipes and the advanced members without troubles ...

All is OK, Al, just my english does not allow me good explainations !



I do think Daniel has a point here. The problem is that it is probably impossible to unravel at this stage but... If there had been an entirely separate thread, or maybe more than one that included everything connected with the beta development this would have helped some people. Those who have no interest in the development would have been saved the trouble of looking through all the posts that relate to v5. They would just be able to view all the comments and latest shows developed using 4.8. This may also made it a bit easier for newcomers to get to grips with 4.8.

Perhaps next time :D:lol:



Daniel & Peter,

You probably have a point, but what we have here is really just a library organization problem. We have a thread already for this purpose - Igor pinned it to the top of this section when he issued one of the latest beta's. Its main purpose is to discuss problems and features relating to the new v.5. But, one single thread is very awkward, too, as you have to scroll back through it and look at each posting to find one dealing with the feature you want to know about.

Personally, I prefer the present system of creating a new thread about a specific aspect of v.4 or v.5 that someone wants to discuss - then all the discussion about that sub-topic is in one place, more or less.

But I would not be against creating a main category for v.5 technnology if that's what everyone wants. However, getting people to use it properly would probably be as difficult as it is now to get people to post comments and questions about dvd's in the video section.

As far as the presentation section is concerned, I believe that v.4 and v.5 discussion should be all together - it shouldn't matter whether the show was made with v.4 or v.5, as far as presentation discussion is concerned. But, even here, it's difficult to separate out the techniques from the results. The main thing is to put good descriptive titles on each posting and each new thread created.

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