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A really great "diaporama", Michel!

I warmly invite all to download "Cinque terre" (it's a region of Italy: literally "Five earths", "Five areas").


Greetings Michel!

On your suggestion, I have visited the Unesco World Heritage site. Thank you.

Now, tell me please, does your PTE presentation relate to the Unesco site, or just the region "Cinque Terre" relate to the site?


OK. Just the region "Cinque Terre" relate to Unesco Site.

You can see this link also:

Link to visit

I think that this region should be visited by many people, because it is the expression of human labour,

as all the sites of the Unesco List.

The slide show "Cinque Terre" permit to discover this beauty.


The slide show "Cinque Terre" permit to discover this beauty.

Yes, Michel your photographic presentations are very good for helping many to discover beauty around us. In some way I think that is what much of our photographic effort is trying to do. Sometimes we may not recognize even our own underlying motivation. When I climb a mountain do I do it to photograph the view from the top? If so, do I do it to prove I was there. Maybe if the feat itself were so great, that would be ok. In my case, it is usually to help me recall the view and the feeling and share it with others who can then choose how they want to experience the beauty. As with any attempt to portray beauty, we are successful to varying degrees. You do very well in sharing the beauty you experience in life.

By the way, I was not trying to "pin you down" about the connection of your PTE show to Unesco. I was just wondering if perhaps you had been inlisted by Unesco to use your talent in their behalf.


Actually works alike could be very useful to Unesco, Bob. I think it can be a good idea to send some of Michel's pictures to them, and invite them to download and look the presentation.

What about, Michel?


I decided to visit "Cinque Terre" because relatives have been discover this region.

And when I saw the landscapes in a book, I decided to go there.

I does not make publicity, but I note that it forms part of the Unesco heritage.

My pictures are taken in all independence and it's only my own decision..

Guido has a good idea: perhaps I'm going to write to Unesco and indicate the existence of this show.

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